Union opposes fat and sugar tax

Union opposes fat and sugar tax / Health News
Union against "discriminatory" fat and sugar taxes
Diabetes, tooth decay, obesity: All these diseases are associated with high sugar consumption. Among other things, health experts are calling for a stronger tax burden on certain foods. A union leader has now rejected such demands as "discriminatory and brazen".

Fat and sugar tax to combat health problems
Whether chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, dental problems or obesity: The high consumption of sugar makes you sick. To tackle the problem, health experts have long been calling for a greater tax burden on related foods. In several countries, there are already different variants of a sugar-fat tax against obesity and other health consequences. As a study showed just a few months ago, however, the majority of Germans reject such a tax. A union has also spoken out against it.

Many experts consider the sugar tax to be superfluous or even discriminatory. Image: Monkey Business - fotolia

Better education about healthy nutrition
As the news agency dts reports, the union Food-Genuss-Gaststätten (NGG) has rejected demands for a fat and sugar tax in the fight against obesity as "discriminatory and bold". NGG chairman Manuela Rosenberger said in an interview with the "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung" (NOZ): "Of course, such a tax affects low earners in particular and that implies that especially those are poorly fed." Instead, she advocated a better education healthy eating in kindergartens and schools.

"A tax is the wrong means"
The statement states that the German Diabetes Society recently opted for a sugar-fat tax. In addition, various health insurance funds and members of the black-red coalition have expressed supportive. According to the information, the federal government wants to deal with a law on prevention after the summer break. "A tax is the wrong way to influence the eating habits of the population," said Rosenberger. Rather, children would have to learn to handle food again. "Of course, this also means that the meals in school canteens should be better. Anyone who only pays attention to the low price is not suited as a role model, "said the union chairman. (Ad)