Weight Reductions Have breakfast better on a diet?

Weight Reductions Have breakfast better on a diet? / Health News
Regular meals without snacks help to lose weight and maintain weight
Many do not get a bite down in the morning. But breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In diets, many make the mistake of reducing or even eliminating food intake in the morning. However, studies have shown that taking regular meals avoids overweight.

Studies showed: omitting breakfast makes you fat
Many reduce calorie intake by forcing themselves to eat less. The Cologne nutritionist dr. Antonie Danz reports that many make the mistake of doing without the morning's most important meal of the day, breakfast. "We are happy to do without breakfast, as it is easier in the morning to refrain from eating than at noon or in the evening." But the omission of the breakfast brings no advantage, but even has a negative effect on the figure. Because "Studies have shown that just a regular breakfast has a positive effect on the weight."

(Lunamaria / fotolia.com)

If the breakfast is omitted, it comes in the course of the day quickly to cravings cravings. Often people eat more in the late morning or midday "when it is necessary and good," says Danz. The body automatically switches to stores and increased food intake to compensate for perceived failures. The diet expert therefore recommends "never skip breakfast". This is especially true for those who have chosen to accept. "Always look for a healthy, well-saturated foundation in the morning, do not start your day with an empty stomach."

Reduce calorie intake throughout the day
In order to lose weight effectively, people should eat less bread or bread with butter, ham, sausage or cheese, not just in the morning, but throughout the day. Unusually therefore the tip of the nutrition expert: good are "compatible and cooked meals". These are "excellent for the figure". Danz recommends "a hot cereal breakfast for the morning, for example oat or spelled flakes and water as a porridge". So that the taste does not come too briefly, so much fruit and nuts can be added, how one likes oneself. "Also some cream or honey can be added". Those who prefer hearty dishes can also cook steamed vegetables in the morning. This is very filling and very nutritious.

Change lifestyle with long-term success
Non-medical practitioner Jens Neugebauer says: "Naturopathy is of the opinion that a balanced diet with 80 percent fruit and vegetables as well as lots of exercise basically provides more health. Neugebauer says it's wrong to focus on body weight with diets. This only leads to numerous relapses and the well-known "yo-yo effect". It is better "as a long-term strategy to change the lifestyle". It is rich in "devoting more time to exercise and nutrition than was previously the case". If you take this into account not just for a few weeks, but for a lifetime, you automatically live healthier and do not suffer from overeating and obesity. (Sb)