Minister of Health warns against excessive use of internet in children

Minister of Health warns against excessive use of internet in children / Health News

Smartphones as a Christmas present: teach kids controlled internet usage

Smartphones and computers have become indispensable in our everyday lives, especially not for the youngest. At Christmas probably with some family also the one or another mobile phone or tablet under the Christmas tree located. Bavaria's health minister now warns against excessive Internet consumption among children and adolescents.

Indispensable everyday companions

Smartphones, mobile phones and tablets have become an indispensable everyday companion for many people. Especially for the majority of teenagers a life without the small devices is hardly conceivable today. Bavaria's Health Minister Melanie Huml now warns against excessive Internet consumption among children and adolescents. Parents should teach their offspring how to use the Internet competently.

Nursery school children today know how smartphones and computers work. Unfortunately, they often spend too much time with it. Bavaria's health minister now warns against excessive Internet consumption among children and adolescents. (Image: Gina Sanders /

Smartphone usage with health consequences

It has been known for some time that the ever more intensive use of smartphones will not be without health consequences.

Studies have shown that such devices reduce the quality of sleep in children and adolescents and lead to speech and concentration disorders.

In addition, experts assume that the constant use of smartphones will increase myopia.

Furthermore, threatened by the posture with lowered head postural disorders such as neck tension.

Last but not least, people who are constantly texting, surfing and whatsapping risk becoming addicted. For example, a study showed that many children only endure for 30 minutes without a mobile phone, until regular withdrawal symptoms appear.

Smartphone under the Christmas tree

"Presumably many families have a smartphone or tablet under the Christmas tree. However, parents should make sure that their children do not spend too much time on their smartphones and computers during the Christmas holidays, "Huml said in a statement.

"Children and young people need to acquire skills for a controlled PC and Internet use. For that, they need our support, "said the Minister of Health.

"Being too busy with online games and social networking also poses health risks. Computer gambling has become a serious, real problem. "

More and more internet dependent teens

The minister pointed out that the numbers of internet-dependent young people and young adults are increasing.

In the current addiction report of the federal government, experts currently expect about 560,000 Internet addicts and 2.5 million problematic users in Germany. The most affected are young people aged 14 to 24 years.

The current drug affinity study conducted by the Federal Center for Health Education concludes that the number of 12- to 17-year-olds suffering from internet dependency actually doubled between 2011 and 2015.

Border between normal internet usage and addiction

The question of where the Internet is the border between normal use and addiction, is often not so easy to answer.

For example, if it hampers hobbies that suffer from social contact, or if users themselves interrupt beautiful activities to look at the screen, the risk of Internet addiction or cell phone addiction is high.

Those affected usually go to school, withdraw from family and friends and lose control.

Clear rules for mobile phone and internet usage

"PC and Internet have become a natural part of our everyday lives today. Nine out of ten 12-year-olds own a smartphone. On average, they spend three hours a day online, "explained Huml.

"The digital world has long been part of everyday life in the nursery. Nursery schoolchildren today already know how smartphones work, "said the Minister of Health.

"It is first and foremost the task of the parents to teach their children how to use the Internet competently. This includes, for example, agreeing clear rules for cell phone and Internet usage. "

The Minister, who is a licensed doctor, also pointed out the health risks: "Excessive media consumption can also lead to health problems for children and adolescents. This can lead to speech development disorders and motor hyperactivity in toddlers. "(Ad)