Minister of Health warns of high pressure from digitization

Minister of Health warns of high pressure from digitization / Health News
Holistic health management in the workplace: pressure from digitization
Stress is an everyday phenomenon that almost every adult knows today. An important role is played by working life. Digitization sometimes leads to even more pressure and resulting health burden. Employers should therefore best offer holistic health management.

Impact of digitization on health
Germany is in constant stress: Every second German citizen is stressed according to surveys. The main reason for this is the increasing digitization of the world of work and the constant accessibility at work. This was demonstrated by a study entitled "Impact of digitizing work on workers' health", which surveyed over 8,000 German workers. The Bavarian health minister is now warning against too much pressure from digitization.

Bavaria's Health Minister Huml has warned against too much pressure from digitization in the workplace. The technical possibilities bring besides the advantages also many disadvantages. (Image: foxyburrow /

Increase of the working speed
Bavaria's Minister of Health, Melanie Huml, is campaigning to counter potential risks to employees at an early stage through digitization. "Despite all the advantages, the new technical possibilities also have disadvantages. Examples are constant accessibility and increasing the pace of work. Therefore, in companies should be taken to ensure that the pressure on employees is not too big, "said the politician.

Sick days due to mental illness increased
A statement from the ministry states: "The latest report on absences speaks a clear language here. The causes of lost work are increasingly also mental disorders. It is alarming that the illness days due to mental illness have increased by nearly 72 percent since 2004. "

Holistic health management
Huml added, "That's why it's a win for employers to offer a holistic workplace health management. It takes into account not only the physical but also the emotional, emotional and social needs of the employees and takes the employee as a whole personality. "

The Bavarian Ministry of Health supports the initiative Gesund.Leben.Bayern. Model projects for health promotion and prevention in the company environment. (Ad)