Health Plus So do not throw away cucumber water

Health Plus So do not throw away cucumber water / Health News

Why pickle water serves health

Gherkins are extremely popular in many cultures. In this country, they are often eaten as part of a hearty snack or just before the TV as an evening snack. When the last gürkchen is then gone, the liquid is usually poured away. But you better not do that. Because in the pickle water are valuable ingredients that serve the health and can also help you lose weight.

Help with weight loss

The fact that green cucumbers can help you lose weight is known to many people. The fact that you can also reduce the weight with the help of pickled sour cucumbers know less. Especially the water of the gherkins is suitable. The liquid also contains valuable ingredients that are good for your health.

The liquid from the gherkin jar should not be poured away. The juice contains valuable nutrients that are good for your health and can help you lose weight. (Image: photocrew /

Health benefits

Most German households have a glass of pickles in their fridge. The pickled gherkins are usually eaten as a side dish.

Although gherkins contain less vitamin C and folic acid than fresh cucumbers, these delicate substances are partially lost during processing.

But even sour cucumbers have their health benefits. They consist mostly of water and therefore have only a few calories (in 100 grams are about 16 kilocalories).

In addition, thanks to their dietary fiber, they are full and can thus help with weight loss.

Vinegar helps with weight loss

Pickled cucumber water is particularly suitable for losing weight because of the vinegar it contains.

Because this stimulates digestion and lets the pounds melt downright. Especially apple cider vinegar has proven to be particularly effective here.

However, since many industrial products contain less high-quality vinegar and often a lot of sugar, it is worthwhile putting in their own cucumbers.

Then you can also make sure that all ingredients come from organic farming.

Pickle water for muscle cramps

Gherkin water offers even more health benefits.

For example, a study published in the journal "Medicine & Science in Sports & Excercise" showed that the liquid is suitable as a home remedy for convulsions.

According to the researchers, taking this juice can ease muscle spasms in seconds.

Fluid returns the body lost electrolytes

In addition, the liquid, which consists essentially of vinegar, herbs and spices, can balance the body's electrolyte balance after exercise.

Because in the juice are also sodium and potassium contained, which the body loses while sweating.

That's why even "Pickle Juice" is available in bottles in the US.

Despite the health benefits but probably not everyone will be ready to drink cucumber water regularly.

But you do not have to throw it away. Among other things, the liquid can also be used for a salad dressing or again for pickling vegetables. (Ad)