Genetic engineering maize dangerous to humans?

Genetic engineering maize dangerous to humans? / Health News

Genetic engineering: corn dangerous for humans? The Institute for Independent Risk and Accompanying Research in Biotechnology, Testbiotech e.V., has pointed to possible risks to health and the environment caused by the genetically modified maize 1507. In addition, the European Food Authority (EFSA) should have carried out only an incomplete examination. Nevertheless, the corn could soon be approved for cultivation in Europe.

(25.04.2010) The Institute for Independent Risk and Accompanying Research in Biotechnology, Testbiotech e.V., has pointed to possible risks to health and the environment caused by the genetically modified maize 1507. In addition, the European Food Authority (EFSA) should have carried out only an incomplete examination. Nevertheless, the corn will soon be approved for cultivation in Europe.

Corn 1507 is said to have a massive concentration of an insecticide called Bt toxin Cry1F in its pollen, which is toxic to many insect species. In addition, the corn in 1507 to tolerate a weedkiller called glufosinate. This in turn should be able to cause health damage in humans.

Testbiotech points out that there has been no questioning of the risks to insects caused by maize 1507. EFSA should not have requested proof or evidence in this regard. There is even a study to prove that a butterfly species in Europe, the wax moth, sensitive to maize 1507 reacts.

In addition to Testbiotech, the environmental organization Greenpeace has uncovered deficiencies in the assessment by EFSA: for example, indications of a possible negative evaluation of the approval for cultivation have not been pursued. Basic data should even be missing in the documents of the applicants. And last but not least, the framework conditions for the monitoring measures required by law should not be sufficient. Andreas Bauer-Panskus, of Testbiotech and author of the report, accuses the EFSA of negligence. According to him, the authority should not have requested important data for the risk assessment.

The allegations to EFSA's address are not new: as early as 2005, genetically modified maize had been classified as safe there. However, the report was criticized by the European Commission and various Member States. In 2008, EFSA again performed the same assessment. Corn will be released for cultivation in Europe if the European Ministers of Agriculture reach the same conclusion as EFSA. If these and other genetically modified varieties such as Bt11 were approved, this would be the first time since 1998. Maize 1507 is being marketed by the US Seed Company Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., which is part of the DuPont Group. The company was already in the critical documentary film „We feed the world“ been mentioned. (TF)