Genetic engineering detected in honey

Genetic engineering detected in honey / Health News

Food inspectors discover genetically modified rape pollen in honey


In order to control possible contamination of honey by pollen from genetically modified plants, the Food Surveillance Baden-Württemberg has analyzed the composition of 39 imported honeys as part of the so-called honey monitoring. The result of honey monitoring: Three honeys contained pollen from genetically modified oilseed rape. According to the State Consumer Protection Minister Alexander Bonde, the investigation conducted in the framework of the special investigation program on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in honey does not shed any good light on the companies' control and take back concept. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled in September that honey should not contain pollen from unauthorized genetically modified organisms.

The possible spread of pollen from genetically modified plants is a major argument for opponents of genetic engineering, which speaks against plant seeding. The safety precautions are not sufficient in their opinion, in order to avoid crossing with other plants. In addition, since the genetically modified oilseed rape has no approval as food, its pollen must not appear in the honey. The state of Baden-Württemberg had already analyzed several official samples of different honeys in the run-up to the ECJ judgment of 6th September and detected genetically modified rape pollen in nine out of ten samples from Canada. However, before the CJEU judgment, food control lacked the legal means to remove the contaminated honey from the market.

That even after the ECJ judgment of September 6, honey was found, „which is contaminated with genetically modified pollen is unacceptable“, emphasized the Baden-Württemberg consumer protection minister, Alexander Bonde. In order to control the implementation of the legal requirements of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), the state of Baden-Württemberg had set up a special investigation program in which the central laboratory of the Baden-Württemberg food inspection - the Chemical and Veterinary Investigation Office (CVUA) Freiburg - the honey on ingredients genetically modified organisms. The inspectors discovered the genetically modified rapeseed GT 73, MS 8 and RF 3 in imported honeys. These rape varieties are not authorized as foodstuffs in the European Union, so honey should not be sold.

Genetic engineering contaminated honey is withdrawn from circulation
The Food Inspectorate therefore claims to have taken all necessary measures to withdraw the honeys in question. In addition, the Ministry of Consumer Protection has informed the other federal states, the federal authorities and the European Union about the results of honey monitoring. Also, the two companies located in other federal states, which had filled the honey for the German market, had been informed about the deficiencies of their products. According to food monitoring, two of the contaminated honeys came from Canada, with honey coming from a non-EU country with no indication of where they came from. As the Minister for Consumer Protection has stated, the honeys in question originate from isolated remnants and the companies concerned had already stopped the sale or recalled potentially contaminated goods in advance of the ECJ ruling.

The fact that genetically modified rape pollen has been detected in the honey is for consumer protection Minister Bonde cause considerable criticism of the control and take back concept of manufacturers and distributors. Confidence in the companies was clearly disappointed at this point. The Minister for Consumer Protection therefore announced that the Baden-Württemberg food control authorities will continue the special monitoring action of honey monitoring - also to check whether the self-monitoring of the economy works. The food monitoring from Thuringia has announced a similar procedure, after also here in a sample of Canadian raphonig traces of genetically modified pollen were detected, reported the current „mdr“.

Opponents fear risks to health and the environment
How critically most consumers are opposed to the use of genetic engineering in agriculture was made clear in the e-petition of the Federal Organic Food Trade Association (BÖLW) against agro-genetic engineering, which was signed by more than 100,000 supporters. With the large number of signatories, the petition fulfilled the requirements for a public hearing on the subject in the Petitions Committee of the German Bundestag. The criticism of the initiators and signatories was essentially directed against the inadequate and inadequate licensing practice of gene plants in the EU. The chairman of the BÖLW, Felix Prinz zu Löwenstein, underlined the support of the petition: „The great popularity shows that people do not want any further risk technology, in which agrarian industry and politics tell us today that it is safe and necessary for progress.“ According to the genetic engineering criticism „Brussels and the federal government bring GM crops to our fields that are not properly tested“ were. In this way, the poor licensing practice leads to „Agro-genetic engineering to a risk technology, with unforeseeable consequences for our health and the environment“ becomes. (Fp)

Picture: Dr. Klaus-Uwe Gerhardt