Genetic Engineering Apell to Aigner

Genetic Engineering Apell to Aigner / Health News

Genetic Engineering: Apell to Aigner


With an appeal for GMO-free feed, the organization "Campact! Democracy in Action" turns to the Federal Agriculture Minister Ilse Aigner. The background to the appeal is a vote by the EU Commission next Tuesday. There it is decided whether in the future a containment of genetically modified plants in animal feed will be allowed. So far, cargoes containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that are not authorized may not be fed in the EU. This zero tolerance rule could now be tipped, according to Campact. The organization sees as the driving force behind the vote, the lobbying forces of the feed industry, which the previous regulation should be a thorn in the side. According to Campact, they are supposed to work on the commission's decision to set a limit of one thousandth on Tuesday.

Campact describes the possible future genetic engineering components as impurities and points out that even in the United States, which would otherwise be considered more GMO-friendly, the anticipated new regulation would not be adopted by such a limit value introduction. The affected plants continue to call Camapct illegal and demand that the German consumer protection minister vote against them in the vote. Tomorrow, there will even be an ad in the Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) in the constituency of Aigner.

To support Campact has formulated an appeal that has already signed 45 000 people and sent to the Federal Minister. By Tuesday, there will be a total of 60 000 signatories. (Tf)

Picture credits: Ernst Rose