Genetically modified pigs immune to bad animal disease

Genetically modified pigs immune to bad animal disease / Health News

Researchers are changing the genes of pigs

Mass animal husbandry in the present time leads to many different problems. One of these problems are diseases that break out among animals that require very large amounts of money for treatment. Researchers now genetically modified pigs to develop immunity to one of the most costly animal diseases. However, the fundamental criticism of genetically modified foods remains and it is highly questionable whether consumers would be willing to consume meat from genetically modified pigs.

Scientists at the University of Edinburgh genetically modified animals to be immune to widespread animal disease. The experts published the results of their current study in the English-language journal "Journal of Virology".

Genetically modified pigs become immune to a very high-cost animal disease through treatment. (Image: Kadmy /

What is PRRS?

The so-called Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) is a dreaded virus-related disorder and can not be treated with medication. PRRS causes fertility disorders and respiratory diseases in the animals. Unfortunately, the symptoms are often very difficult to recognize. Every year PRRS costs pig farmers hundreds of millions of euros, in addition the disease reduces the productivity of farms.

Genetic engineering is a controversial topic

The so-called gene editing technology is rightly highly controversial for many people. The genetic modification of pigs to protect against PRRS could already be used within five years on commercial farms in the UK, the experts report.

30 percent of pigs suffer from PRRS

Pigs infected with PRRS can be safely consumed, but the virus causes respiratory problems in the animals and causes deaths in piglets. There is no effective cure or vaccine, and despite extensive biosafety measures, it is estimated that about 30 percent of UK pigs are infected with PRRS, the authors explain.

Animals developed complete immunity

After deleting a small section of DNA that makes the pigs susceptible to the disease, the animals showed no symptoms or signs of infection, even if they were purposely exposed to the virus and if they lived with infected animals for a long time. This can be described as complete immunity, says study author Christine Tait-Burkard of the University of Edinburgh's Roslin Institute.

Meat is sold by genetically modified animals in the supermarket?

The results of the research could have enormous benefits for animal welfare, in addition to strong economic benefits for agriculture, according to the study authors. However, it could take several years before pork from PRRS-resistant pigs on the market. Until now genetically modified animals are excluded from the food chain throughout Europe. It also remains to be seen if the public would use genetically modified meat at all, the experts add.

What is gene cultivation?

The technology used for gene processing differs from older genetic modification techniques in which genes were often transferred from one species to another species. In contrast, gene manipulation uses precise molecular tools to remove small sections of DNA or to alter individual parts in the genetic code, physicians explain. This accelerates processes that can naturally occur over many generations.

Farmers will be enthusiastic

In the study, the animals showed no signs that changing their DNA has a negative impact on their health, fertility or well-being. Farmers will be delighted with the opportunity to protect themselves from PRRS because they know that this disease leads to very high costs and significantly worsens the quality of life of pigs, the researchers hope. But even among farmers, the subject of genetic engineering is quite controversial.

Further research will take place in the USA

More investigations are now being conducted in the US because the regulatory framework is clearer there, the study authors explain. In addition, it is easier in the US to achieve public acceptance, which is difficult in the EU, the experts explain. Here, the impression arises that a commercial application should definitely be achieved and that basic research is not the focus of the study authors.

Excessive use of antibiotics must be avoided

While there is no current treatment for the virus, one of its effects is that the virus hinders the immune system. This increases the risk that the animals develop so-called secondary infections. Also for this reason, antibiotics are usually used as a nationwide treatment of pigs in detecting the pathogens in a farm, the researchers say. Here they see another benefit of the technical change, as it is known to be extremely important to reduce the overuse of antibiotics on farms to prevent the spread of resistant bacteria. (As)