Joint Diseases Arthrosis has a soothing effect on biking or swimming

Joint Diseases Arthrosis has a soothing effect on biking or swimming / Health News
Movement in osteoarthritis: cycling or swimming makes sense
Around five million people in Germany suffer from osteoarthritis. The pain caused by the deterioration of articular cartilage continues to increase as the disease progresses. A cure is not possible, but relief already. Health experts advise those affected to exercise.

Five million Germans suffer from osteoarthritis
According to the German Arthrose-Hilfe, osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease. Around five million Germans are affected. Although the disease can not be cured, there are ways to relieve the symptoms. Health experts say it is important to get moving regularly despite the pain. Sport has positive effects on the articular cartilage.

About five million Germans suffer from osteoarthritis. The painful joint disease is not curable. However, exercise can help alleviate the pain. (Image: Kzenon /

Exercise has a positive effect on articular cartilage
As it says in a recent article in the journal "Neue Apotheken Illustrierte" (October / 2016 issue): "Cartilage tissue that protects the bone ends in joints protects, can not feed itself, because it contains no blood vessels. Cartilage is the synovial fluid, also called synovial fluid. Exercise ensures that this fluid is pressed into the cartilage and it is well supplied with nutrients. "

Sports with even movement
It should be noted that not every sport is suitable for all types of osteoarthritis. Patients should talk to their doctor or physiotherapist best. Well suited are usually sports with a uniform movement such as cycling, swimming or cross-country skiing. Movements with fast stops - such as in handball or tennis - should rather avoid osteoarthritis patients. Because these can promote cartilage wear.

Relieve pain in the acute case
In the acute case, osteoarthritis is primarily concerned with relieving the symptoms. For example, with pain medications, although not all remedies are suitable. So scientists found out that paracetamol does not help with osteoarthritis. Also heat and cold applications as well as relief can help.

And naturopathy relieves osteoarthritis pain and stiffness. These include, among others, devil's claw and nettle extract. Diet also plays a role. So you should eat according to experts in osteoarthritis no meat and only a little cheese. (Ad)