Joint pain especially in winter - what you can do about it

Joint pain especially in winter - what you can do about it / Health News

Rheumatism and arthrosis: In winter, joints are particularly painful

People who suffer from rheumatism and osteoarthritis, have particularly strong complaints in the cold. Nevertheless, those affected should not spare in the winter. Exercise is a way that can help against the pain in the joints. But you should also pay attention to the right diet.

People with joint disease suffer more in the winter

Under the generic term "rheumatism" several hundred disorders of the musculoskeletal system are summarized, some of which are very similar. One of these is osteoarthritis. This is one of the most common joint diseases. Especially now in winter sufferers often suffer particularly strong. Many patients are therefore protected in the cold season. But they do not do themselves a favor. Because only by regular movement, the joints remain well "lubricated".

People with rheumatism and osteoarthritis have particularly strong complaints in the cold. They should not be nice in the cold season. Because only by regular movement, the joints remain well "lubricated". (Image: artstudio_pro /

Cold discomfort often gets worse

In the cold and wet season, the joints of patients with inflammatory joint diseases such as osteoarthritis and rheumatism hurt very often. Knee, spine and hallux pain also often get worse in cold weather.

Also flu infections can bring corresponding complaints. How much the pain manifests differs from patient to patient.

"The scale ranges from mild, pulling to acute, massive pain," explains the orthopedist Prim. Manfred Kuschnig from Elisabethinen Hospital Klagenfurt (Austria) in a communication.

Tense musculature as a trigger

"A major reason for increased joint pain in the cold season is the fact that people do not move relaxed in cold weather," said the Medical Director and Board of the Department of Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery Elisabethinen Hospital Klagenfurt.

"This makes the muscles more tense than usual. The circulation is also reduced, the pressure on the joints is increased and this leads to dull pain."

Back pain in the back caused in the cold, especially by a wrong posture. "If you're cold, your shoulders are splayed and your back is slightly bumpy. If this happens more often, the muscles react, "explains the physician.

Stay active even in the cold

In many cases, the pain in winter leads to a pronounced protective behavior.

"But they choose the wrong way, because joints live off movement," says Kuschnig. When joints are not moved, they produce less synovial fluid, and the pain worsens.

Regular exercise improves blood flow to the joints, reducing friction pain.

"In degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis a well-trained muscles is particularly important," says the specialist.

Therefore, sufferers should not do without walking even in cold weather. Especially the affected areas should be moved regularly.

According to health experts, biking or swimming can relieve joint disease.

Other joint-friendly sports such as aqua jogging, water aerobics, Nordic walking or hiking help many sufferers, but not every sport is suitable for all types of osteoarthritis.

Patients should therefore consult best with their doctor or a physiotherapist about which sports make sense.

"I recommend winter walks on safe paths, and keep your joints warm in this weather," says Kuschnig.

Be sure to clarify persistent pain

Persistent joint pain in winter, which can not be attributed to already known diseases, should be clarified by an orthopedist.

In a patient interview, with X-rays or MRI scans and blood tests if necessary, the doctor gets to the root of the cause and, if necessary, initiates appropriate treatment.

Thus, a further progression of the symptoms can be prevented at an early stage.

This is the way to get through the winter better

In addition to the regular exercise, there is something else that really helps those affected.

This allows naturopathy to relieve osteoarthritis pain and stiffness. These include, among others, devil's claw and nettle extract.

In addition, osteoarthritis treatment options of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), as well as procedures such as acupuncture, cupping or Qi Gong are suitable.

The diet also plays an important role. You should hardly or no meat and only a little cheese in osteoarthritis.

Especially on beef and pork, osteoarthritis patients should avoid as much as possible, as the animal fat contained therein aggravates the arthritis symptoms.

Also important is adequate hydration. Especially in winter, we often forget to drink a lot, because we sweat little and thus feel less thirsty.

Since sun and fresh air are a real treat for body and soul, every opportunity should be used to recharge a few rays of sunshine - which is guaranteed to lighten the mood.

However, hypothermia should be avoided because the cold weakens the immune system. The reason: The blood vessels contract and the number of defense cells decreases.

Cold or flu viruses are so easy. To keep warm from head to toe, only one thing helps: put on a hat, scarf, gloves and winter boots before going outside. (Ad)