Joints Which sports make sense in osteoarthritis

Joints Which sports make sense in osteoarthritis / Health News
Painful joint disease: These sports can relieve osteoarthritis
Around five million people in Germany have osteoarthritis. The pain caused by joint wear and tear is often unbearable. Therefore, many sufferers are sparing. However, exercise in osteoarthritis can often relieve the discomfort. Experts explain which sports are particularly well suited here.

Five million German citizens affected
According to the German Society for Orthopedics and Traumatology (DGOU), almost one in three 45- to 67-year-olds in Germany suffer from osteoarthritis. In the over-65s, the joint wear already affects every second. According to the German Arthrose-Hilfe, arthritis is the most common joint disease in this country with around five million people affected. Many sufferers are sparing because they are in pain or are unsure about the strain they can expect their joints. But the right sport to the right extent can help to slow down the progression of osteoarthritis.

Around five million Germans suffer from osteoarthritis. Exercise can help relieve the pain. But not every sport is suitable here. (Image: Kzenon /

Treatment options for osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis causes inflammation of the joints that can swell, hurt, and lose their mobility.

In the acute case, it's about knowing what's really helping those affected. Health experts often advise pain medication or heat or cold applications.

But naturopathy relieves osteoarthritis pain and stiffness. These include, among others, devil's claw and nettle extract.

In addition, osteoarthritis treatment options of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), as well as procedures such as acupuncture, cupping or Qi Gong are suitable.

The diet also plays an important role. With arthrosis you should not eat meat and only a little cheese. Last but not least, sufferers are usually advised to lose weight if they are overweight or obese.

Move a lot and charge a little
In addition, people with osteoarthritis are usually advised to exercise gently to prevent the discomfort and to increase the function of the joints.

Experts in the run-up to the German Congress of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery (DKOU) 2017 explain in a communication which sports make sense in orthopedic diseases.

"When it comes to joint problems, the sporting principle applies: to move a lot, to put little stress on it", says Prof. Dr. med. Andrea Meurer, President of the DKOU 2017. "Ideal are cyclical movements that move the joint evenly without using any force."

A combination of endurance, stretching and strengthening exercises is the most effective way to strengthen the whole body and prevent injuries. The expert recommends training for 30 to 40 minutes a day, but at least twice a week.

Sports such as squash, hand, foot or volleyball, jogging, horseback riding, alpine skiing and tennis are due to the abrupt change of direction and the high impact load rather harmful to the joint. Only those who tolerate them well can exercise them in moderation.

Suitable sports
Cycling or swimming can have a relieving effect on joint diseases.

Sports such as Nordic walking, cross-country skiing, aqua jogging and water aerobics, rowing, aerobics, endurance training on the cross trainer and strength training in the gym are good for the knee joint.

"It is important that patients pay attention to their body feeling and consult their doctor in case of pain", emphasizes Meurer. "In general, it is important to slowly get used to the movement and to avoid overstressing the joints," says the expert.

Bandages or special insoles can additionally protect the knees. Patients with obesity should first try to reduce their weight, because extra pounds increase the burden on the knees: when walking, twice as much weight acts on the joints as when standing.

Under no circumstances should patients fall into restraint, explains the orthopedist. "Anyone who barely moves - for fear of pain for example - will produce less synovial fluid. The cartilage in the knee joint then becomes brittle, which leads to even more wear and pain. "

Lack of activity also increases the risk of obesity, falls or osteoporosis. (Ad)