Dangerous health effects of hay fever

Whether birch, pine or oak: at the beginning of May, many trees and grasses are in the main flower and are therefore an agony for millions of allergy sufferers. Year by year, so-called "hayfever" affects more people, who as a result struggle with typical symptoms such as running cold, constant sneezing and itchy, watery eyes.
Birch, pine or oak stand in the main blossom
For many people, spring time means more time in the fresh air, long walks in nature and cozy barbecues in their own garden. However, the warmer temperatures are not a pleasure for everyone. Instead, the suffering period begins for millions of allergy sufferers, because trees such as birch, pine or oak and certain grasses are in the main flowering in April and May. "The mucous membranes and the skin itch, the eyes are reddened, the nose runs and sneezing attacks severely limit the quality of life of those affected", explains Dr. med. Martin Männlein, specialist in allergology, lung and bronchial medicine.
Immune system reacts excessively to normally harmless substances
The so-called "hay fever" - as well as other allergies - is triggered by a specific reaction of the immune system to certain, normally harmless substances from the environment, which in this case are called "allergens". But unlike the name suggests, this is not hay, but the proteins of certain pollen, such as. of hazelnut, birch or certain grasses and herbs. Accordingly, hay fever is often referred to as pollen allergy, pollinosis or seasonal allergic rhinitis, as it occurs only in spring, summer and depending on the region in the fall.
"Change of level" can lead to bronchial asthma
"After a few years, hay fever often causes allergic asthma. A so-called level change, as the complaints from the upper airways spread deeper into the respiratory tract of the lungs and bronchi, "said Dr. med. Martin Männlein continues. Therefore, symptoms such as constant coughing and dyspnoea should not be trivialized, but taken seriously and clarified in a medical examination. In this blood tests or tests with allergen-containing solutions ("prick test") on the skin can usually be well recognized to which substances the patient reacts.
Do not stop treatment early
But not in every case, the responsible allergen can be identified 100%, "but if the symptoms speak for it, then we first treat as if and hope that the patient feels relief," explains Dr. med. Little men continue. It is important, according to the expert, that the treatment is not interrupted, otherwise no long-term improvement could begin. "Consistently take the medication and under no circumstances immediately settle on symptom-free days."
In general, those affected could not avoid contact with "their" allergens during the season. Accordingly, the need for hay fever medicines is already increasing noticeably. "Depending on the symptoms, nasal and eye drops or antihistamine tablets are recommended," says Milena Michael, pharmacist at the Buhl pharmacy in Gaildorf, to the newspaper. Michael is here confirmed by her colleague Marjovie Bach (Crailsheimer Jagst pharmacy), because these expect "in the next few days the onslaught and greater demand, when it gets really warm and nature blossoms".
Body no longer learns to overreact through desensitizationn
Another very effective form of therapy for hay fever is the so-called "desensitization" (specific immunotherapy, in short: SIT), which is currently the only way to alleviate the excess immune response to hay fever. "Here, for example, a birch pollen allergy natural ingredients of birch pollen administered to make his immune system to react neutral again, so without an allergic reaction," explains the Dr.. Little men continue. In the first step, the person concerned is first given a minimal amount of "his" allergen in order to check whether there is actually an allergy. If this is the case, the amount of SIT extract is initially kept small for habituation of the body, but usually then gradually increased. Once the individual maximum dosage has been reached, it will normally continue to be administered at regular intervals.
However, if severe side effects occur, the dose is initially reduced again, in which case it is always advisable to clarify other possible causes. In some patients, it is possible to alleviate the symptoms as early as the first year through specific immunotherapy, but in most cases, it only becomes apparent after two to three years. Also helpful are natural home remedies for hayfever. (No)
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Picture: Günther Richter