Dangerous Galsscherben - Recall for Thuringian liver sausage

The "Meininger sausage specialties from Thuringia GmbH" has started a recall campaign for their "Hofmetzger" Thuringian liver sausage in the glass, after a glass shard was detected in the product in the context of a customer complaint. Consumers who have bought "Hofmetzger" Thuringian liver sausage in the 250g jar with the batch number "479 gr1" and the best before date June 28, 2017, are requested to return them. "The consumption of this product from the specified batch is expressly discouraged", so the warning in the context of the recall.
In the context of a customer complaint the introduction of foreign bodies (glass shard) in the "Hofmetzger" Thuringian liver sausage in the glass, 250g Vollkonserve with the lot number: 479 gr1 and the MHD 28. June 2017, proved and it can not be excluded that other glasses this Charge are also affected, so the manufacturer's warning. Purchased glasses with the mentioned lot number should therefore be returned to a branch of Meininger Wurstspezialitäten Handelsgesellschaft für Fleisch- und Wurstspezialitäten mbH

According to the manufacturer, only the "Hofmetzger" Thuringian liver sausage in 250g glass is concerned, which has been sold only in the branches of Meininger sausage specialties trading company for meat and sausage mbH within Thuringia. All other varieties of Hofmetzger glasses are not affected. (Fp)
(Source: www.lebensmittelwarnung.de)