Dangerous eating disorder Anorexia often in combination with other diseases

Health experts have seen a dramatic increase in eating disorders in recent years. Especially anorexia nervosa is widespread. This often occurs in combination with other psychiatric disorders and metabolic disorders, researchers report.
Eating Disorder in combination with other psychiatric disorders
A few days ago, the former "Miss Saxony" Henriette Hömke died at the age of only 29 years as a result of her years of anorexia. Since then, numerous experts have pointed out what you should know about the dangerous eating disorder. Scientists from Austria now report that anorexia has a genetic basis and often occurs in combination with other psychiatric disorders and metabolic disorders.

Genetic abnormalities on chromosome 12
Anorexia (Anorexia nervosa) is the most widespread eating disorder in Germany. A research group has recently reported that it may also be innate.
And in an international overall genome analysis, it was possible to demonstrate for the first time that anorexia shows genetic abnormalities on chromosome 12.
The study was led by the University of North Carolina and published in the journal "American Journal of Psychiatry".
According to the experts, the new findings could lead to new therapeutic approaches.
Increased anorexia risk
Responsible for the Austrian contribution was the child and adolescent psychiatrist Andreas Karwautz from the University Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the MedUni Vienna, according to a statement.
The global study, which involved 220 researchers in international medical centers analyzing the genetic material of 3,500 anesthetized subjects, found that the subjects had a significant portion on chromosome 12 compared to the control group of 11,000 individuals increased anorexia risk contributes.
In addition, it was examined whether there is a correlation with other diseases. It has been found that the significant portion of chromosome 12 is in a region associated with type 1 diabetes and autoimmune diseases as well as insulin metabolism processes.
In addition, genetic correlations between anorexia, schizophrenia and neuroticism were found, supporting the concept of anorexia nervosa as a psychiatric disorder.
Biological factors play a significant role
Karwautz sees this study as a substantial proof that besides the psychosocial components, biological factors also play an extremely important role in the occurrence of anorexia. This has great implications for improved therapies.
"To provide patients and their families with a meaningful, reality-based explanation for this third most common, long-term illness in adolescence, such studies are the foundation. Prevention programs also benefit from the new results, "says the expert.
Currently, about 7,500 adolescents in Austria are suffering from anorexia. According to the Federal Statistical Office, 8,079 patients in Germany were fully inpatient due to anorexia in 2015.
Especially more and more girls are affected by this serious and protracted illness, which leads to serious health problems through extreme weight loss.
According to the MedUni communication, the disease is currently 80% curable, but there is also a mortality rate of 0.5% per year.
It is already known today through genetic tests on identical twin children that about 60 percent of genes are responsible for the development of anorexia. Which gene sections are decisive, was previously poorly known. (Ad)