Dangerous overreactions The sperm allergy actually exists

Itching after sex may indicate allergy to sperm
An allergy to semen? What sounds like a bad joke to most people actually exists. In the case of those affected, after skin contact with sperm, allergic symptoms such as redness and itchy rash appear. Although this form of overreaction of the immune system is rare, it should by no means be underestimated. Because the sperm allergy is not treated, it can have dangerous consequences. Help can offer a desensitization, also reduces the use of condoms contact with sperm and thus the complaints.
Cum allergy is not a myth
A sperm allergy is neither a myth, nor a stupid joke or an excuse; they actually exist. "Unfortunately," says the dermatologist and allergist Professor. Johannes Ring. "Even if that sounds exotic at first, those affected do not find it funny at all," the expert said in a message from the dpa news agency. Professor Ring has researched the background of the extremely rare allergy and treated patients at the University Hospital of the Technical University of Munich. But it can also meet men.

Those affected can lose consciousness in an emergency
When it comes to itching during sex in the genital area, a sperm allergy can be the trigger. Then contact with seminal fluid with the skin can cause swelling and redness, wheal formation and rash all over the body. If it is more pronounced, it will not stay there. "In addition to these skin symptoms, you may experience respiratory distress or nausea, as well as the involvement of the cardiovascular system with palpitations, low blood pressure, syncope, and loss of consciousness. In the worst case, a fatal anaphylactic shock may occur, "Professor Ring told years ago" MeinAllergiePortal ". "Basically, these are relatively typical allergic symptoms," says the specialist according to dpa. However gynecologists should know that this particular form of allergy exists.
Changing the sexual partner does not help those affected
People with a sperm allergy do not respond to the sperm itself, but only to the fluid that contains sperm - the so-called seminal plasma. In principle, the immune system of the body behaves like hay fever: It evaluates a certain, basically harmless substance as pathogens and then triggers a violent defense reaction. In a pollen allergy, there are certain proteins of bee pollen, which provide for the overreaction. For sperm allergy, the trigger was unknown for a long time. But a few years ago, a team led by Professor Ring managed to determine it: it is a protein called Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA). Since this protein is produced in the prostate and can be found in every man, it does not help any other sexual partner. "The allergy is not partner-specific," says the professor. It is an extremely rare reaction of the immune system.
Only around 100 cases known worldwide
According to the information, only about 100 cases of this allergy are described in the specialist literature worldwide. "Data from the USA is estimated to be from around 20,000 to 40,000 people affected," explained the allergist and andrologist Jean-Pierre Allam, who, together with his colleagues at the University Hospital Bonn, researches the relationships between sperm allergy and other allergies. Once the symptoms have been assigned to an allergy, a test with sperm or isolated PSA can provide clarity. In this way, among other things, food allergies can be excluded. "Around half of the patients also have other allergies," says Allam. Overall, there would be a high number of unreported cases, as it would be uncomfortable for those affected to talk about their problem. "Since 2005, however, reports are increasing," said the physician.
Disease symptoms after an orgasm
For the first time, the sperm allergy was described in 1958 by a Dutchman. Forty-two years later, two of his compatriots analyzed the Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome (POIS) in men, disease symptoms after orgasm. "In men, semen triggers very nonspecific symptoms that do not work well with an allergy," Allam said. After the orgasm, sufferers suffered from headaches and flu-like signs that could last for two to seven days, but they respond positively to an allergy test with semen. "The connection is still completely unexplored."
Cum allergy can be treated well
According to Allam, the sperm allergy could be treated well. "The symptoms need to be treated right away. The treatment corresponds to the acute treatment of the anaphylactic reaction that can occur after insect bites, food or medicine, "Professor Ring told" MyAllergyPortal ". He went on to say: "First of all, the use of condoms is recommended, but the use of condoms is not sure to prevent contact." Nevertheless, Allam stated in the dpa message: "Gold standard is condom sexual intercourse". Due to this protection, patients generally remained symptom-free.
Affected women are not infertile
Both experts emphasized that women with sperm allergy are by no means infertile. You could take allergy-suppressing drugs before sexual intercourse. Another therapy for sperm allergy is a hyposensitization, in which the body should develop tolerance to the allergen. In addition, artificial insemination with washed sperm would be an option. "It works very well in healthy women," said Allam. However, the costs of treatment are not covered by health insurance. "Overall, the sperm allergy is still much research work needed," said Professor. Ring. And Allam added, "Cum allergy is still a pretty inaccurate term."
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