Dangerous gunmen authority warns of legal lightning bolt body Crazy Robots

Blatant trauma, burns, loss of fingers: Office warns against dangerous Böllern
At the turn of the year, many Germans will again be able to let off steam with firecrackers. Unfortunately, many people are injured every year. Some of the rockets and boulders are especially dangerous. For example, an authority in Bavaria is currently warning of the lightning bolt "Crazy Robots". Ignition in the immediate vicinity is likely to cause blatant trauma, burns and, in the worst case, loss of limbs.
Even legally available firecrackers can be dangerous
Millions of people in Germany will welcome New Year's Eve with fireworks on New Year's Eve night. Unfortunately, every year there are burns to the hands and face, injuries to the eye and eyelids, hearing damage and blatant trauma. Although the risks of self-built or unauthorized articles are repeatedly pointed out, legally available fireworks can also be dangerous. Currently, the Labor Inspectorate of the Government of Upper Franconia warns of a dangerous lightning bang, which can lead to blatant trauma, burns and in the worst case, the loss of limbs.

Burns, eye injuries and hearing damage
Every year, doctors warn of injuries caused by New Year's Eve guns and rockets.
Above all, the fireworks involve a danger to the eyes, ears and hands.
"Particularly serious injuries occur in explosive devices that were manufactured or have no official approval," writes the University Hospital Freiburg in a recent release.
But also legally available fireworks represent a danger, especially a certain lightning bolt, as the Trade Inspectorate of the Government of Upper Franconia now warns.
Authority warns of "crazy robots"
According to a press release from the agency, the Czech manufacturer Triplex recently launched an extremely loud lightning bolt called "Sound Impersonator" "Crazy Robots" in the non-firing classification "P1", which is sold especially in the Czech Republic or Poland.
Her presentation suggests at first glance a commercial New Year's Eve crusher. The trade inspectorate, however, considers these guns to be dangerous.
Because the contained net explosive mass (NEM) is with 5 g many times higher than with a legal New Year's Eve crusher.
Thus, in case of ignition in the immediate vicinity blast trauma, burns and in the worst case the loss of limbs are to be feared.
In addition, the safety distance of at least 40 meters specified by the manufacturer after ignition can hardly be adhered to, especially if third parties are present.
What to look for when buying firecrackers
According to research such flashbulbs are also offered by other manufacturers under a different name.
One recognizes this pyrotechnics at the classification given in the registration number "P1" (CE xxxx-P1-zzzz) in conjunction with a net explosive mass (NEM) of 5 g.
In the meantime, the certifying testing center has announced that it has withdrawn the already issued type examination certificate.
As a result, the "Crazy Robots" in the P1 classification should no longer be sold in Europe. This would be punishable in Germany also their possession.
Further information on what to look for when buying fireworks and how to use them safely can be found on the Bavarian consumer portal (VIS). (Ad)