Dangerous bacteria Many nursing home residents suffer from salmonella infection

Infectious diseases: even more salmonella evidence in a nursing home
In a nursing home in Brandenburg, several residents have been infected with salmonella. These bacteria can pose a great danger especially for older and immunocompromised people. Of the sick residents, two people have died in the meantime. The local health department explains how to protect yourself.
Number of salmonella records increased
The accumulation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that has occurred in residents of the retirement and nursing home in Storkow, East Brandenburg, has not stopped. Since June 26, 2018, a total of 21 residents of the institution and two nurses were affected (as of July 13). Salmonellosis was detected in eight of the sick persons, reports the health department of the Oder-Spree district. According to a news agency dpa, the number of Salmonella records has now increased from eight to nine.

Two patients died
According to the head of the public health department in the district of Oder-Spree, Rutker Stellke, a quick test revealed the evidence of another resident, but in which no disease had broken out.
The woman had given a stool sample after the onset of gastrointestinal disease in the home, as did all other residents and staff.
According to the health department, the condition of five of the seven inpatients was significantly improved, four of them were discharged from the hospital.
But: "In two of the hospitalized patients who had numerous pre-existing conditions, there were other complications accompanying the infection, and they died as a result," writes the agency.
According to the information, intensive efforts are being made to clarify the causes and relationships of the disease as quickly as possible.
A possible source of infection may be food
The Office points out that the occurrence of infectious diseases with Salmonella is basically nothing unusual, especially in summer periods with high daytime temperatures.
Salmonella are bacteria that are found worldwide. Food can be a potential source of infection.
The pathogens multiply in the gastrointestinal tract. Common symptoms of Salmonella include sudden diarrhea, headache, abdominal pain, general malaise and occasionally vomiting. Often also a slight fever occurs.
The complaints often last for several days and then stop automatically.
Contagion from human to human
As explained by the health department, infection is possible from person to person, especially by smear infections in case of deficiencies in personal hygiene.
After the infection, the disease breaks out after six to 72 hours, usually after twelve to 36 hours.
According to the experts, adults can still be contagious for up to a month after the onset of diarrhea and abdominal pain.
In young children and very old people, the excretions may take several weeks, in severe cases even up to half a year or more.
How to protect yourself
"In order to protect yourself from salmonella infections, above all you need a very good kitchen hygiene, a proper handling of food and especially an attentive and conscientious hand hygiene," writes public health office Oder-Spree.
Basically, you should wash your hands regularly.
"Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after each use of the toilet, before preparing food, after processing raw animal products, before eating and after contact with animals!" The experts say.
Afterwards, hands should be carefully dried with a clean cloth. (Ad)