Athlete's foot through textiles transferable

Athlete's foot through textiles transferable.
Infection of „Stocking to stocking“.
The need for hygienic protective measures to avoid foot-and-mouth infections in the bathhouse and sauna is certainly well known in the population. However, to what extent the fungus can also be transferred via laundry has only recently been investigated by scientists from the Institute for Hygiene and Biotechnology at the Hohenstein Institute in Bönnigheim. In fact, the fungal spores turned from infected laundry to other garments when they were close enough together.
The consequence: In order to avoid contagion in one's own household, socks and socks should be stored separately and washed at a temperature of at least 60 ° C in a known athlete's foot. This temperature, the researchers say, is necessary to kill the fungal spores safely.
Athlete's foot: a persistent skin fungus.
The „athlete's foot“ is one of the skin fungi, which are mainly caused by fungi of the Trichophyton genus and associated with weeping inflammation in light and air poor body zones. In addition to the spaces between the toes and fingers, they can also affect armpits, groin area and the female breast. Often there are scaly, reddened areas accompanied by itching. If a fungal infection is suspected, a skin sample can provide reliable proof in the laboratory. Conventionally, antifungal ointments with antifungal agents are used. The athlete's foot can very persistently occur again and again.
Further recommendations for fungal infections.
Representatives of naturopathy see in such recurrent skin fungal infections an indication of the presence of fungi in the intestinal mucosa (intestinal mycosis), which is often confirmed in laboratory studies. In addition to the recommendation to change the laundry daily and wash (now from over 60 degrees) and avoid airtight synthetic textiles, therefore, includes the education on the need for a balanced and low-sugar diet as possible naturopathic therapy concept. For external use, essential oils with antimycotic effect are used, for example from medicinal plants such as tea tree or lavender. (Dipl.Päd. Jeanette Viñals Stein, Naturopath, 26.03.2010)
To read more:
Fungal infections (mycoses) in humans