Athlete's foot risk So you protected yourself from annoying athlete's foot in the pool

Athlete's foot risk So you protected yourself from annoying athlete's foot in the pool / Health News
The risk of athlete's foot is particularly high in the outdoor pool
Many people like to go to the outdoor pool in the summer to find some refreshment on hot days. Due to the barefoot running and the accumulation of many people there, however, the risk of infection for a foot fungus is particularly large. Although it is harmless in otherwise healthy people, it usually does not disappear by itself. Therefore, it is important to treat the infection appropriately to avoid spread to other skin areas and to prevent infection. To prevent it from happening, some precautionary measures should be taken, the most important rule being: "Do not walk barefoot!"

Mushrooms get into the skin via small cracks
Athlete's foot is a widespread phenomenon that affects up to 30 percent of the population. The causative agent of the athlete's foot (medicinal: "tinea pedis") are in most cases skin fungi (dermatophytes), which penetrate through small cracks or injuries in the skin. Older people and persons with a weakened immune system, diabetes, atopic dermatitis or circulatory disorders are more at risk, according to the information from the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG). There is also an increased risk of infection, e.g. with a familial predisposition and the tendency to sweaty feet.

In the outdoor pool you can quickly get infected with athlete's foot. Therefore, should always be thought of bathing shoes. (Image: hetwig /

Itching and redness between the toes
The fungus occurs mainly between the little toe and the Nachbarzeh. First signs are usually itchy skin rash, redness, small cracks and scale-like changes of the affected skin area. Even blisters and slight burning are possible, in some cases, the skin is also whitish, thickened and slightly swollen. If the athlete's foot on a large area on the sole of the foot, according to the (IQWiG) is spoken by a "moccasin mycosis" (mycosis = fungal infection). In this case, the skin on the soles of the feet, heels and toes is dry and scaly and itchy.

In otherwise healthy people, the fungal disease is usually harmless. But contrary to the widespread misconception, it usually does not disappear by itself. If the fungus is not treated, it can spread and lead to a nail fungus, more rarely, it also attacks other skin areas such. hands. Therefore, it is important to treat the fungus as fast as possible and effective. Anti-fungal remedies in the form of creams, gels or sprays, which are available over-the-counter in the pharmacy, usually help here. These so-called "antimycotics" can inhibit or kill fungi in their growth.

Effective home remedies for combating the fungus
Help can also provide various home remedies. For example, essential oils such as lavender, myrrh and tea tree have proven to be effective as they have a fungicidal, disinfecting and antiseptic effect. However, care should be taken here not to use too much, just to dab the affected areas. In addition, to avoid dehydration, the mixture is recommended with a high-quality, cold-pressed carrier oil such. Olive or almond oil. Also, washings with apple cider vinegar are considered to be an easily applied and effective home remedy for athlete's foot, as can a foot bath with black tea to help itching and pain.

For athlete's foot, simple home remedies such as foot baths and ablutions with tea or vinegar can also help. (Image: Wieselpixx /

Transmission through dander
Mushrooms lurk wherever it is pleasantly warm and humid, because that's where they find optimum growth conditions. Therefore, in the summer just the outdoor pool is a place where you can infect very quickly with athlete's foot. Because this is usually transmitted by direct skin contact or dander, which can happen, for example, when the bare feet in the shower or on the edge of the pool come into contact with infected dander. It does not matter whether the feet are clean or dirty, because a foot fungus is not related to lack of hygiene, the information IQWiG.

Always wear flip-flops for security
In general, therefore, especially persons with an increased risk in the outdoor pool should be particularly careful. The most important recommendation here is: Never walk barefoot! Because the fungi can survive for months, e.g. survive on floor coverings, sauna benches, bath mats or loungers. In the pool, the communal shower and changing room so bathing shoes should always be worn, also it is important that the feet dry well after swimming and showering or are best dry-blown, according to the information provided by the IQWiG.

Even those who are already suffering from nail fungus, does not necessarily have to do without a visit to the outdoor pool. It is essential, however, to take appropriate precautions to avoid infecting other visitors. The important thing here is, of course, the right treatment. In addition, those affected should not use their own towels by others and take an extra towel for the diseased areas to protect themselves from transmission to other areas of the skin. After visiting the pool, it is advisable to wash the towels at least 60 degrees to completely kill the pathogens. Likewise, attention should be paid to a regular disinfection of flip-flops. (No)