Athlete's foot adé - treat infection quickly

Athlete's foot adé - treat infection quickly / Health News
Tips for healthy feet:  Warm spring days invite you to get the sandals out of the closet and to give your feet a bit of fresh air after the long winter. Probably the one who does not currently suffer from athlete's foot. "About 70 percent of the population has had this disease before," explains Uta Ense from the Board of the Pharmacists Bremen. It is especially important to treat the infection quickly and for a sufficiently long time.

In athlete's foot is an often occurring and unfortunately also often chronic infection of the feet. Typical symptoms include redness, dandruff, wetness, blisters, itching and burning. In most cases, the toe spaces are affected, but the soles of the feet or the back of the feet may be affected. "Athlete's foot is counted among the so-called dermatomycoses," says Ense. "These are local or superficial fungal infections of the skin." The pathogen, filamentous fungus, specifically affects the skin, nails and hair. He feels comfortable in a warm and moist environment, so the risk in the swimming pool, in the sauna or in dressing rooms is particularly high. Elderly and people with weakened immune systems, diabetes, circulatory disorders, foot deformities or a family disposition for athlete's foot disease more often. In rare cases, the infection can also be triggered by yeast (candida) or mold.

Do not leave untreated
Do you notice first symptoms, you should not wait too long with the treatment. "Anyone who thinks that the athlete's foot simply goes away by itself is wrong and risks a chronic course," warns the pharmacist. In addition, the fungus can spread. The treatment usually lasts two to four weeks and depends on the extent of the infection. If the athlete's foot is still in the early stages, it is sufficient in most cases to treat the affected skin regions externally. For local therapy, azoles (bifonazole, clotrimazole, econazole), allylamines (terbinafine, naftifine), amorolfine and ciclopiroxolamine are used. In the meantime, preparations containing terbenafin are on the market, which only need to be used for a week or even once. Overall, however, patients can be tempted to stop applying the supplement when the symptoms improve within a few days. However, this just favors a relapse. It is also important to always treat both feet, taking into account not only the toe gaps, but also the soles and foot rims. Corresponding ointments, sprays, gels or powders are available in the pharmacy, the local experts advise you there in detail.

In case of advanced, large-scale infestation of the soles, balls and heels, prescription drugs are necessary to combat the fungus systemically. Here, too, it is important that the person concerned takes the medication consistently on a regular basis and, above all, long enough. If the toenails are affected, a separate therapy is required. "If in doubt, the doctor should be consulted, so that the infection does not come back immediately or other people are infected," advises Ense.

Prevention is important
In order not to get sick of athlete's foot or to keep the risk as low as possible, you can follow some tips. For example, it is important to keep feet and toe gaps always dry, so always dry well. Towels, bath mats, socks and bed linen should be changed regularly and washed at least 60 degrees. Cheap shoes seem sexy at first glance, but they provide an ideal breeding ground for germs, as it is often not breathable material and feet sweat quickly. But even sports shoes can promote athlete's foot, so ideally only for sports and let aired properly. And finally, regular control of the toes, interstices and soles is essential. (Pm)