Chiropody This is how nail fungus gets fixed

Chiropody This is how nail fungus gets fixed / Health News

Chiropody: how to get rid of nail fungus again


Many people suffer from nail fungus. Although this fungal infection is often not painful, but leads to most people affected to shame, because the nails discolored and thickened whitish-yellowish or brownish. The right foot care can help many, not only because of the aesthetics.

Fungal infection is still a taboo topic
People with beautiful, well-kept nails are usually happy to show them. However, if you suffer from nail fungus, you want to hide the whitish yellow or brownish discolored nails. Although nail fungus is widespread, the infection is still a taboo topic. Especially the toenails are attacked by the fungi, more rarely the fingernails. Often, onychomycosis, as doctors call nail fungus, is preceded by athlete's foot. In a message from the news agency dpa is reported on the fungal infection and preventive measures.

Various signs of a nail fungus
In addition to the discoloration, fragile nails may also be an indication of onychomycosis. Other signs are when nails thicken or partially detach from the nail bed. According to the information, the fungus is usually on the upper or lateral nail edge. It is less common at the root of the nail: According to the experts of the Institute for Efficiency and Quality in Health Care (IQWiG), this form often affects people with a severely weakened immune system. It is also said that the so-called white superficial nail fungus forms white spots on the surface of the nail.

Nail fungus often caused by athlete's foot
In most cases, nail fungus is caused by skin fungi (dermatophytes). Furthermore, it can also be caused by yeast or mold fungi - however, yeast fungus occur more often on the fingernails. Because many sufferers also have athlete's foot, it is believed that this infection can cause nail fungus. Therefore, decreasing the risk of athlete's foot is of great importance to prevent nail fungus. There are various home remedies for athlete's foot, for example with the help of apple cider vinegar or an intrinsic urine therapy. Since often also a weakened immune system plays an essential role, can help here home remedies, which are to strengthen the immune system from within. The foundation for good defense is a healthy, wholesome and, above all, vitamin-rich diet.

Blow dry your feet after showering
Rule number one, to reduce the risk of athlete's foot, according to the dpa report, to keep your feet dry, so after drenching well dry and possibly even blow-dry. It is important that the shoes should not be too tight, but better airy. In addition, the same shoes should not be put on two days in a row and pulled out as often as possible. For shared showers flip-flops are advised and towels and socks should not be shared with others.

Lengthy treatment
In addition, nail fungus can be favored by a nails injury, certain skin diseases such as psoriasis, circulatory disorders, for example due to diabetes, a weakened immune system or a familial predisposition. According to the agency, the fungus can be treated, inter alia, by special lacquers from the pharmacy or treatment sets, for example with a urea-containing cream. In most cases patience is required for the treatment. For instance, affected people sometimes have to apply the paints for more than one year. Although tablets that are taken orally are often more effective, they also have more side effects and interactions. (Ad)

Image: Gabi Schoenemann