TBE and Lyme disease by tick bites

TBE and Lyme disease by tick bites / Health News

Tick-borne tick-borne encephalitis and borreliosis


The risk of tick bites increases significantly with the onset of spring weather. This also increases the risk of Lyme disease or tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), warns the University of Hohenheim.

In a tick bite (also tick bite) can be transmitted pathogens that cause Lyme disease or an early summer meningoencephalitis (inflammation of the brain / meninges). Both diseases can bring significant health problems for those affected and should be urgently treated medically.

TBE has protracted health consequences
The pathogens enter the wound of the host with a tick bite, as ticks return the indigestible remains of food of the blood back into the wound during the sucking process. It threatens Lyme disease and TBE disorders with corresponding long-term health consequences. Dr. Reinhard Kaiser, Chief Physician of Neurology at the Municipal Hospital Pforzheim explained that, for example „Around 70% of TBE patients experience (...) lengthy sequelae“ suffer. Initial flu-like symptoms, such as fever, headache, and body aches, can result in significant health problems such as paralysis, difficulty breathing, impaired consciousness, speech and balance disorders, coma or death. „Ten years after infection, half of the patients suffered from paralysis, respiratory depression, balance disorders or difficulty swallowing and speaking“, The Chief Physician of Neurology explained with reference to the results of a recent long-term study. In addition, 30 percent of the study participants died within ten years of the consequences of the tick-borne meningoencephalitis. Reinhard Kaiser last week at a press conference at the University of Hohenheim.

Tick ​​protection offered when staying outdoors
After an infection with TBE by a tick bite suffer especially patients, in which in addition to the brain, the spinal cord is affected, under particularly severe health impairments, explained. Emperor. Overall, in the long-term study, which was conducted over a period of more than ten years, only about 20 percent of TBE patients had fully recovered. With the warmer seasons, therefore, especially people who spend a lot of time outdoors should pay more attention to possible tick bites. When returning home is the search of the body after the little bloodsuckers announced. Also provide long-sleeved tops, long pants and sturdy footwear a relatively good tick protection. Contrary to popular belief that ticks fall off trees, the risk of grass and grasslands is highest. Anyone who notices a tick bite should, according to the experts, under no circumstances try to remove the tick with oil, glue or alcohol. Instead, the tick should be carefully pulled out with a fine tweezers as far as possible without any rotational movements. If those affected do not dare to do so, Dr. Kaiser urgently to visit the doctor.

Lyme infections caused by tick bites
A doctor should also be consulted if, after a tick bite, the flu-like symptoms of TBE disease - such as fever, headache, and body aches - occur or a large red spot forms around the puncture site. This is the typical sign of Lyme disease. In a Lyme disease infection next to the possible skin redness within two weeks after the tick bite also follow flu-like symptoms, the so-called „Disease Flu“. In addition, there are often signs of tiredness and exhaustion as well as joint and limb pain. Since Lyme disease can manifest itself as a chronic disease, medical treatment should be initiated as early as possible in the initial phase of the disease. It can be achieved with antibiotics relatively good results that promise cure at sufficiently high and long doses.

Chronic Lyme disease as a possible consequence
About the amount and duration of the antibiotic dosage for Lyme disease treatment, the professional world is still not in agreement. However, if the Lyme disease remains untreated, the pathogens may begin to scatter in the body and numerous other symptoms such as changing joint pain, touch disorders, blurred vision and heart problems are triggered. The Lyme disease pathogen affects not only other organs, joints and muscles but also the central and peripheral nervous system. If there is no successful treatment in this second stage of Lyme disease, the disease becomes chronic, with recurring symptoms. Therefore, according to the experts, immediate medical care is required even for the smallest signs of Lyme disease.

Vaccination against TBE
The risk of borreliosis after a tick bite can hardly be influenced, but TBE can be prevented with the help of a vaccine, said Dr. Kaiser at the press conference at the University of Hohenheim. Here are possible vaccine complications compared to the massive health risks of TBE disease practically negligible, because „With 1.5 cases per million vaccinations, complications are extremely rare“, stressed Emperor. However, given the minimal risk of disease, the benefits of vaccination are also somewhat questionable. According to Dr. Isolde Piechotowski from the State Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, families and senior citizens are reported in Baden-Wuerttemberg every year about 100 to 150 cases of FSME. Thus, the TBE risk in Germany is clearly highest in Baden-Württemberg and yet the number of diseases is relatively manageable. Therefore, those who do not live in a special risk area and rarely spend time outdoors will not benefit from TBE vaccinations. Read also to prevent tick bites. (Fp)

Also read:
Prevention: Do not panic with ticks
Health: No vaccination against ticks

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