TBE or borreliosis ticks are dangerous for people even in autumn

TBE or borreliosis ticks are dangerous for people even in autumn / Health News
Dangerous disease carriers: Ticks still active in autumn
Although summer has been over for some time, ticks remain active. One should therefore think of the tick protection in the fall. The small arachnids can transmit dangerous diseases such as tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) or Lyme disease until late autumn.
Ticks remain dangerous until late autumn
Ticks can be active until late autumn. As long as the temperatures do not fall below seven degrees, the warnings of the arachnids continue to apply.

Ticks transmit serious diseases such as tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). The risk areas for TBE transmission in Germany include in particular Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, southern Hesse and southeastern Thuringia. The Federal Association for Health Prevention and Consumer Protection has pointed this out. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) published in summer a list of TBE risk bids in Germany. Austria and Eastern Europe are also among the risk areas. Against the dangerous infectious disease, which can be transmitted by a tick bite, a vaccine is available.

Even in autumn, ticks pose health risks. (Image: Smileus / fotolia.com)

Permanent damage caused by FSME
Nationwide, 265 people were diagnosed with FSME last year. According to the RKI, the numbers were down on the previous year when 420 cases were reported. According to RKI spokeswoman Susanne Glasmacher, such fluctuations are normal from year to year. The case numbers would depend, among other things, on the weather. The possibilities of treatment after TBE infection are very limited. The flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache or vomiting can indeed alleviate, but the disease itself can not be specifically treated. In severe cases, infection can result in permanent damage such as paralysis and can lead to dangerous brain and meningitis that is untreatable. In extreme cases, the disease is fatal.

Some people are recommended vaccination
Ticks do not like prolonged dryness, but the damp weather in autumn is very good. Health experts advise some people to be vaccinated against ticks by ticks. Thus, the vaccination is recommended both the residents of risk areas as well as people who go on holiday and while traveling in the wild. Although, according to experts, there are often quite good vaccine quotas for children, they are often not available for adults. However, the infection is considered more dangerous for adults than for children.

Lyme disease throughout Germany
In addition to the TBE viruses, the small animals can also transmit Borrelia. These bacteria do not exist only in individual risk areas, which is why caution is required throughout Germany. Every year, up to 200,000 people in this country suffer from Lyme disease. In about half of those affected, the so-called "walking red" occurs at the beginning, a red ring that forms around the tick bite. Other symptoms may include fatigue, night sweats, muscle and joint pain and fever. If left untreated, late effects such as joint, cardiac muscle or nerve inflammation are possible. Unlike TBE, no vaccine is available for borreliosis.

Protection against ticks
However, there are many ways to protect yourself from ticks. Ideally, one stays on the trails while walking. When hiking, it should be remembered to wear long pants and possibly put the pants legs in the socks. Also special sprays can keep the creepy-crawlies away. In addition, one should search thoroughly after spending time in nature and, if necessary, react quickly. After a tick bite is urgent, doctors urge. Since the dangerous pathogens spread in the bloodstream eight to twelve hours after the tick bite, one can drastically reduce the risk of infection by finding and removing ticks early. (Ad)