TBE and Lyme Disease Already threatened by tick bites

TBE and Lyme Disease Already threatened by tick bites / Health News
Even before the beginning of spring: risks of ticks are already high
Although the temperatures in many places are still very low and spring is still coming, there is already a danger of infection from tick bites. The small crawlers transmit serious diseases like TBE and Lyme disease. In Bavaria, the first cases of illness have already been reported.

Ticks are active before the beginning of spring
Even if spring has not really started yet, ticks are already found in forests and meadows. The little animals are also lurking in the garden. Not the tick bite itself is dangerous, but the diseases that can be transmitted through it. Particularly noteworthy here are the tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) and Lyme borreliosis. You can get vaccinated against the former. But not all people do that. In Bavaria, three TBE cases have already been reported this year.

At the beginning of spring, the ticks, which can transmit diseases such as TBE and Lyme disease, become active. (Image: Smileus / fotolia.com)

Risk highest from April to October
Bavaria's Health Minister Melanie Huml (CSU) therefore called for protecting herself with a vaccine against TBE. The politician, a self-educated doctor, said: "Ticks can transmit dangerous infectious diseases such as tick-borne encephalitis (TBE). From April to October the risk is highest. That's why it's high time for a vaccination. "She added," This year, three FSME cases have already become known in Bavaria. Last year there were a total of 127 FSME cases in the Free State. That was four more than in 2014. "

"TBE is not a trifle"
According to a press release from the Bavarian Ministry of Health, more and more regions in Bavaria have been declared as a TBE risk area since the obligation to report TBE disorders. Currently there are 82 of the 96 districts and independent cities. According to experts, 90 percent of TBE sufferers become infected with recreational activities. The minister warned: "FSME is no trifle. Inflammation of the meninges, brain or spinal cord can be the result. Especially in older people, the disease can be difficult. "About 30 percent of those infected, according to Huml disease symptoms. First, there are flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, vomiting and dizziness. At around ten percent, meningitis and encephalitis are also associated with the risk of lasting damage such as paralysis. In one to two percent of sufferers, the disease leads to death.

Three vaccinations required
At a joint press conference with the Minister of Health, Dr. Nikolaus Frühwein, President of the Bavarian Society of Immunology, Tropical Medicine and Vaccination: "For a complete vaccine protection three vaccinations within one year are required. From 14 days after the second vaccination, 90 percent of those vaccinated already have protection. This is sufficient for the current season. "Persons who live in risky areas and spend their time outdoors are advised by health experts to vaccinate against the disease. Tourists and commuters should also consider vaccination if they are traveling in the risky areas of nature.

Long clothing protects against ticks
In addition to TBE, ticks can also transmit Lyme disease. Although no vaccine protects against the bacterial-induced infectious disease, it can be treated with antibiotics. It is therefore better, the sooner the disease is discovered. It is best if you try to protect yourself from ticks. It helps, for example, to put the trousers in the socks when you are in the undergrowth and wear long-sleeved clothing. Special insect sprays can keep the little animals away. If you notice ticks on the body, you should remove them quickly with tape. However, if the animal has already sucked in firmly, it is important when removing not to squeeze the blood bag, as this may cause infectious saliva or intestinal contents to get into the bloodstream of the affected person. (Ad)