Earlier diagnosis of Green Star

Earlier diagnosis of Green Star / Health News

Green Star: New method to diagnose treacherous eye disease


According to the Ophthalmology Society, more than two million Germans suffer from the so-called "green star", a treacherous eye disease that can lead to blindness in the worst case scenario. Since the eye disease usually causes late symptoms, the diagnosis is often only when it is already too late. Thanks to a new diagnostic technology, it will be possible in the future to detect Green Star at an early stage.

Treacherous eye disease can lead to blindness
Green cataract (glaucoma) refers to a group of eye diseases of various causes that go untreated with a loss of nerve fibers. Those affected suffer from the characteristic visual field defects that can lead to blindness as the disease progresses. Usually an increased intraocular pressure or a circulatory disorder of the optic nerve is the cause of the disease. As Armin Scharrer, President of the German Ophthalmic Surgeons (eye surgeons), told the news agency „dpa“ Many patients did not notice the disease until late because the healthy eye first "dabbed out the visual field defects of the other eye". Although optic nerve impairment is irreversible, the progression of the cyst may be stopped as soon as it is detected. „An already occurring major damage can no longer be repaired, "said Scharrer, but there are good treatment options in the early stages with eye drops, laser treatments or surgery.

Detect malicious eye disease early with a new examination method
Many patients did not go to the doctor until late, when obvious symptoms of the pain in the eye appeared, such as an obstruction to the drainage of eye water, which leads to an increase in intraocular pressure due to the formation of fresh water in the eye. In addition, it had often been difficult or even impossible to detect the green star in the early stages within the scope of the previous investigation methods.

According to Scharrer, a new device with an infrared laser should make it possible to recognize the green star at an early age. The so-called optic disk OCT device also allows for oblique and vertical cuts through the retina and optic nerve head. In this way, three-dimensional images would emerge down to deep layers that would otherwise not be available to the doctor. Scharrer advises people over the age of 40 to regular check-ups at the ophthalmologist.

In addition to a high age, the risk factors for the Greens include elevated intraocular pressure, abnormal blood pressure (especially low blood pressure or high blood pressure fluctuations), genetic predisposition, diabetes mellitus, high short- or hyperopia and circulatory disorders , Circulatory disorders of the optic nerve can be felt for example by migraine or tinnitus. (Ag)

Picture: Uwe Wagschal