Earlier menopause through chemistry in cosmetics

Earlier menopause through chemistry in cosmetics / Health News

Chemicals in cosmetics, hair spray, and food packaging can be the cause of premature menopause, scientists report at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine Conference. Especially in make-up, certain chemicals can ensure that women „the future is stolen“.


The social picture demands women make-ups. Precisely these can damage health and accelerate the aging process, as researchers have found out from a science study. Certain cosmetics in cosmetics may be responsible for making menopause work earlier in women. Women who use high-dose cosmetics enter the menopause on average 2.3 years earlier than others, reports the study director. Natalia Grindler of the „Washington University“ in St. Louis.

Chemical substances influence ovarian function
In the course of the study, Grindler's team investigated the levels of phthalates in the blood and urine of 5700 women. The result showed that the higher the level, the faster menopause occurred. In the normal overall average, menopause occurs in women 51 years of age. Women with a high phthalate level entered the menopause at the age of 49. „In some cases, the menopause occurred even 15 years earlier“, said the scientist. „We are sure that the phthalates affect ovarian function and reproductive ability decisively.“

Early onset menopause is associated with an additional health risk. Other research has shown that early menopause increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, bone problems and cerebral hemorrhages. „Our investigations are just beginning,“ so Dr. Grindler. „But we already know that the chemicals have a long-term harmful effect“.

Higher risk of cancer, diabetes and obesity
In addition, recent studies have shown that chemicals increase the risk of cancer, diabetes and obesity. „There is evidence that phthalates affect the brain.“ Professor Richard Sharpe, who specializes in reproductive health at the University of Edinburgh, said: "My concern is not exaggerated, the phthalate burden is omnipresent and it is therefore possible to avoid it." Phthalates are also found in plastic and food packaging. „Only those who eat fresh foods that have not been previously packaged can reduce their burden“. In make-ups women should rather resort to natural products. However, complete avoidance is hardly possible in the western world of industry because the plasticisers hide almost everywhere without their being explicitly marked. (Sb)

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Picture: Naddi Gleim