Early death of children of obese mothers

Early death of children of obese mothers / Health News

Excessive maternal overweight during pregnancy increases the risk of premature death of children


Nursing the unborn child in the womb could have a major impact on adulthood. This was the result of a Scottish study. Thus, children of mothers who were severely overweight during pregnancy die earlier than children of normal weight women. According to the study, the risk of dying before the 55th birthday is 35 percent higher among offspring of obese mothers. However, the researchers acknowledge that it is difficult to establish a direct link between the overweight of the mother and the early death of the children. Many factors played a role.

Children of obese mothers are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease
According to a Scottish study, children of obese mothers with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more are at an increased risk of dying early than adults. Accordingly, there is a 35 percent increased risk of dying before the age of 55. This is what the researchers write in the trade magazine „BMJ“. Children of obese women with a BMI between 25 and 29.9 had an eleven percent increased risk of dying early compared to children of normal-weight mothers.

Researchers analyzed data from 28,540 women giving birth to 37,709 children between 1950 and 1976. Of these, 6551 daughters and sons died before the beginning of the study. Four percent of mothers suffered from obesity and 21 percent of women were overweight. Apart from the risk of premature death, the researchers also discovered prevalence for certain diseases. „The offspring of the obese mothers also had an increased risk for hospital admissions for cardiovascular disease compared to children of mothers with a normal BMI“, the researchers write in the journal. Overall, the risk of cardiovascular disease was increased by 42 percent. „Our findings suggest that the uterine environment has a significant and long-term effect on the risk of premature death of the offspring. "Therefore, it is" urgent "that overweight women lose weight before pregnancy, the researchers urge

It is still difficult, however, to "establish a direct link between obesity in a woman during pregnancy and the premature death of her child in adulthood," the researchers concede. Numerous factors played a role. For example, the children may be "overweight themselves because they have a genetic predisposition or are eating unhealthily". That would therefore affect their health.

Women should aim at normal weight before pregnancy
In the United States, according to the study, 64 percent of women of childbearing age are overweight and 35 percent of them are even obese. By comparison, according to the DEGS health study conducted by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), 53 percent of women in Germany are overweight.

The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) points to further risks of being overweight during pregnancy. According to this, the mother's risk of developing gestational diabetes increases. For the child, too high a weight of the mother could increase the risk to get asthma in the course of his life or become overweight himself. In addition, according to the DGE congenital malformations of the child are favored.

Therefore, the company advises all women who wish to have children to strive for normal weight before pregnancy. This includes a healthy and balanced diet and sufficient exercise. (Ag)

Image: Dieter Schütz