For younger people with dementia there are not enough offers

For younger people with dementia there are not enough offers / Health News
Deficits in offers for younger dementia patients
In Germany, around 1.5 million people suffer from dementia, most of whom have Alzheimer's disease. The disease is currently incurable, but can be delayed in the initial stages with drugs. In some regions, however, there is a lack of offers for younger dementia patients.

More and more dementia patients
According to the German Alzheimer's Association (DAG), around 1.5 million people in this country suffer from dementia. In the coming years, the number of people with dementia will increase enormously, warned the World Health Organization (WHO). Although early detection is one of the key points to counteract the disease, dementia is often recognized too late. Another problem is that patients - especially the younger ones - often can not be treated well enough.

In Germany alone, around 1.5 million people suffer from dementia. The number of patients will continue to increase. Especially for younger dementia patients are already missing care options. (Image:

Too few care options for younger people affected
Although Alzheimer's disease usually affects people over the age of 65, certain forms of dementia occur as early as the age of 50 years. Even children can develop dementia. Most young dementia patients have a particularly difficult time because help offers are still scarce.

So also in Thuringia. According to the Thuringian Alzheimer's Society, there is a lack of care facilities in the federal state for people who already develop dementia at an early age. The project manager Doreen Seidler told the German Press Agency that offers such as day care are tailored primarily to older people. "Younger people are not in good hands there."

According to agency information, about 120 specialists and affected persons met in Sondershausen for the Thuringian Alzheimer's Day on Saturday. (Ad)