For children legal claim to rehab can be asserted

For children legal claim to rehab can be asserted / Health News
Pension insurance: Legal entitlement to rehab also applies to children
Although one thinks of the keyword "pension insurance" immediately to seniors, but also for children, or their parents, can be claimed through this insurance claims to rehab measures.

Pension insurance also serves children
Under certain circumstances, members of the German Pension Fund can also claim their children a right to rehabilitation. For example, rehabilitation can be considered for diseases of the cardiovascular system or the skin, severe obesity or mental illness. Also respiratory diseases as well as allergic illnesses can be reason for a stationary child rehabilitation.

Members of the German Pension Fund can also claim for their children to rehabilitation. For example, in case of severe obesity or skin diseases. (Image:

Some costs for escorts will be covered
As it says on the website of the German Pension Insurance Association, the insurance paid in such cases, the treatment of the child as well as travel and accommodation. In addition, the pension insurance of young rehabilitation patients up to the age of fifteen also covers travel expenses for an accompanying person. For children under the age of ten, the accompaniment is paid for the entire duration of the rehab.

A parent must have paid contributions for half a year
A prerequisite for the successful application for rehab is that a parent of the child has paid contributions to the pension insurance for at least six months in the past two years. Furthermore, the children must be under 18 years or just complete a school or vocational training or a voluntary service - then the rehab claim is valid until the age of 27 years.

The school lessons are secured
Inpatient child rehabilitation takes at least four weeks, according to the experts. It can be extended if necessary. Also, the school lessons is secured: "Participation in a child rehabilitation should have no educational backlog result," it says on the website of the German pension insurance. "That is why the rehabilitation facilities with bridging lessons ensure the placement of the school material missed during rehabilitation." (Ad)