For every third doctor euthanasia conceivable

For every third doctor euthanasia conceivable / Health News

Survey: For every third doctor euthanasia conceivable. Discussion about euthanasia in the medical profession through new study.

(17.07.2010) A study commissioned by the German Medical Association has caused a stir throughout Germany, as it reveals a mixed attitude among physicians to euthanasia: according to this, 30 percent of physicians can imagine meeting their patient's request for euthanasia support. The representative survey was conducted by the Allensbach Institute for Demoscopy. The institute interviewed 527 physicians from various medical fields.

Of the 30 percent eligible for suicide assistance, four out of five admitted that the patient's right to self-determination was the top priority. Of these, half of the non-advocates were convinced. This is in part contrary to the principles and the model professional code of the German Medical Association. It rejects a participation of the medical profession in one „active shortening of life“ and refers to the professional ethos of the doctors.

However, organized activities by euthanasia organizations, such as the Swiss Association Dignitas, are not supported. This may mean that similar clubs in Germany, such as the former Hamburg Justice Senator Roger Kusch, „Die Hilfe Deutschland e.V.“, also had no approval in the medical profession.

Following a statement by the Göttingen-based Academy for Ethics in Medicine e.V. phil. Alfred Simon, in the coming months, the principles of terminal care by doctors will be processed. In 2011, the model occupational code is to be changed. The background is that so far help for suicide is impunity. The opinion among the German parties is so far uneven. The public appearances of Kusch as a terminal assistent, especially in the summer of 2008, when he should have worried a nearly 80-year-old woman lethal mix of drugs, brought the discussion again and again rolling.

The German Medical Association now wants to clarify from the medical side whether the professional law for physicians and the criminal law will continue to represent opposing points. In the current survey, the doctors are calling for the expansion of so-called palliative medicine. This is the branch of medicine that aims to improve the quality of life for the terminally ill. Also in the naturopathy so far the promotion of palliative medicine is put into the foreground. (Tf)

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Every third doctor is open to euthanasia