Fit through the heat wave with these helpful health tips

Fit through the heat wave with these helpful health tips / Health News

With these health tips, everyone will come through the heatwave healthy

We are currently experiencing the hottest summer for decades. Especially for seniors and children, there are currently many recommendations on how to survive the summer heat unscathed. But all other people should also pay attention to some health tips that help to get through the heat wave in a healthy way.

Not only seniors and children are causing the heat

Some people are particularly worried about the current high temperatures. Children about or even seniors and heart patients. The latter is recommended by health experts, if necessary - in consultation with a doctor - to adjust the drug dosage. But there are many more health tips that help - including all other persons - to get through the sweaty heatwave. In a communication of the University Hospital Freiburg the most important of them are summarized.

Not only the elderly and children should be aware of their health in the current hot days. With some health tips, everyone will come through the heatwave healthy. (Image: Ivan Kruk /

Drink a lot

The top priority is to drink a lot. In general, the recommendation for an adult is 1.5 to two liters per day. At high heat, it should be at least three to four liters.

Also, the German Red Cross (DRC) has recently pointed out that because of the current heat wave daily should drink at least a liter of water in addition.

Suitable thirst quenchers include water and fruit juice spritzers.

Lukewarm, unsweetened tea is also good for the body, because "lukewarm drinks do not burden the body's temperature regulation, such as cold drinks, and contribute to long-term cooling," explains Professor. Hans-Jörg Busch, medical director of the University Emergency Center at the University Medical Center Freiburg.

It is better to avoid large quantities of alcohol. "Alcohol consumption also puts a strain on the circulation, since alcohol can be metabolized more difficultly and can lead to circulatory problems, including collapse and loss of consciousness," says Professor Busch.

In addition, alcohol acts significantly faster and stronger on hot days.

Do not eat too hard

Furthermore, during the warm period you should abstain from luscious meals.

In the morning a bowl of muesli with some fruit, at lunchtime a light salad and in the evening, for example, a spicy soup - thus the body receives all the important vitamins and nutrients and the metabolism is spared.

"In order to compensate for the mineral loss, salt must be added to the body. This can be achieved by a sufficient fluid intake, for example, by soups or tea but also by isotonic drinks, "explains Professor Busch.

Better take a lukewarm shower

The expert also advises against showering cold. Better is a lukewarm shower, as this does not cause unwanted circulatory reactions. Due to the small temperature difference, there is also no increased subsequent sweating.

Finally, the legs can be cold-shaken, so in the heat the dilated blood vessels contract and the blood circulation is stimulated.

In the office, you can sometimes put a cold towel on your neck or run cold water over your arms.

Important for motorists

When driving, care should be taken that the air conditioner may only be set six degrees Celsius colder than the outside temperature.

If the temperature difference is too large, it may cause a circuit collapse when getting out.

It should be avoided to sit directly in the air flow of the air conditioning, otherwise you might get tension or a cold.

Sufficient drinks may not be missing in the car of course. If it is possible, the cooler morning and evening hours should be used for longer trips.

Avoid midday heat

And even if it is difficult for some: Sport is not recommended at temperatures around 40 degrees Celsius.

"Again and again athletes collapse at too high temperatures, because the temperature regulation by sweating is no longer effective and is not drunk enough," says Professor Busch.

It is important to protect the body and to avoid the midday heat. Exhausting activities should be postponed to the early morning or late evening. The daily workload should be reduced.

It can also be useful to find out about the daily updated ozone levels, because at high ozone levels, physical complaints such as respiratory complaints, headaches and asthma attacks can occur.

Especially people who are particularly sensitive to ozone should avoid physical exertion on hot days.

Do not save on creaming

Children should always wear light cotton clothes, in addition, according to Professor Busch a sun hat duty. The skin must be thoroughly creamed with a sunscreen of at least SPF 30.

With the offspring should not be driven too long car. Even for the little ones, a lot to drink. It is also good if care is taken that children do not play outside in the midday heat (eleven to fourteen).

Adults should also remember to take a good lotion while sunbathing or to wear protective light clothing. Light clothing is important to prevent heat build-up and regulate the body's heat balance.

Head and neck should definitely be covered, otherwise the risk of sunstroke is great. When sleeping, the body should not be too warm - a thin sheet is enough, so the air can circulate.

According to the expert, one should easily get through the heat when following these tips. However, if you do not feel well, respiratory distress, dizziness or vomiting occur, you should definitely consult a doctor immediately. (Ad)