Fit through trampoline training

Fit through trampoline training / Health News

Trampoline jumping makes you happy and fit


Trampoline jumping is, according to the sports doctor Professor Ingo Froböse of the Center for Health of the German Sport University Cologne extremely beneficial for the health. During regular training sessions, metabolism, circulation, connective tissue and vessels are strengthened.

So trampoline training is not only recommended for children but also for adults. Especially since a room trampoline without major difficulties in the domestic four walls can be used. „Used properly and properly, it is a great way to do something for your body and your health“, says Prof. Froböse on his website. In addition, the jumping and jumping give a real feeling of happiness.

Promotion of coordination ability, lowering of blood pressure
According to the sports doctor, trampoline training is particularly effective. Training sessions of 20 to 30 minutes two to three times a week are enough, according to Froböse, to achieve a versatile positive effect on the organism. „Jumping wildly on the trampoline for three quarters of an hour and then not for a long time“, According to the expert, however, it is not very conducive. However, several studies confirm the trampoline training with regular execution, a measurable positive effect. Trampolining improves coordination, lowers blood pressure and stimulates the production of red and white blood cells, the expert explained. In addition, the cardiovascular system is strengthened and the metabolism values ​​(eg cholesterol or blood lipids) improved. Overall, the hopping and jumping in a relatively effective way strengthen the immune system, so Froböse.

Trampolining is also recommended for seniors
Muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, bone tissue and joints also benefit from the regular trampoline training sessions, according to the sports physician. especially the „fast muscle fibers“ become „ideally demanded and promoted“, explained Prof. Froböse. By strengthening the bones or the bone tissue, the trampoline training also serves to prevent osteoporosis. Older people are due to the positive health effects of the trampoline training recommended, especially since they often make their everyday life relatively poor anyway. „While jumping and jumping are part of every day at home, we increasingly forget and forget the older we get“, explained Froböse and added: „Or jump and hop on the way to the office today?“ In terms of health, this is recommended, the sports physician continues. His advice: „Do it!“

Trampoline training for stress reduction
By hopping on the trampoline and the associated promotion of coordination skills, according to the expert also reduces the risk of falling and the trainers are flexible and responsive. Some of the positive health effects are rather independent of the training device and in other sports to achieve. Here the sports physician named as an example the stress reduction and the mental balance. Trampolining also benefits the psyche, since „the jumping and jumping to the release of serotonin - the messenger for good mood“ leads, explained Froböse. Furthermore, the trampoline training has a positive effect on the energy centers thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands, which are responsible for the production of stress hormones. Therefore, the trampoline training as an anti-stress program is definitely recommended. (Fp)

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Picture credits: Norbert Roemers