Fit through the heat Simple tips for healthy sleep in the current summer heat

Fit through the heat Simple tips for healthy sleep in the current summer heat / Health News

These tricks help you fall asleep

In long periods of heat evening airing often brings no refreshing effect. So that you can still recover well through the summer, we have put together the best tricks for good sleep at high temperatures.


  • These tricks help you fall asleep
  • 1. The right sleeping things
  • 2. Good airing
  • 3. Drink and eat properly
  • 4. No cold shower
  • 5. Avoid long watch

1. The right sleeping things

The right choice of your sleepwear is crucial for a good night's sleep. It's best to choose breathable fabrics that are not tight. Also functional underwear is well suited, because it dissipates body heat and moisture to the outside and keeps your body dry and comparatively cool. If you feel comfortable with it, you can also sleep unclothed - no one will blame you for summer temperatures!

Relaxed sleep in the summer is not difficult. (Image: diego cervo /

Use thinner mattresses and blankets in the summer to effectively prevent heat from being stored in the bed. Choose special summer blankets from specialist retailers. As a cheaper alternative you can also use only the blanket cover.

Again and again you read the tip, the clothes or bedding before sleeping in the fridge or in the freezer to lay. Of it the Schllafforscher advises Dr. Andreas Blau, however, urgently. As pleasant as the effect may be at first glance, the risk of the fabric becoming too moist or too cold, which makes it uncomfortable, is simply too great. It could also happen that the material gets clammy and thus inhibits the heat transport out of the body. As a result, your night becomes even warmer and more restless.

2. Good airing

Keep the windows locked during the day. Close the curtains or lower the blinds. The less solar radiation you leave in the rooms, the less heat can build up inside. Quietly insert fans and air conditioners to cool inside the apartment.

Only open the windows shortly before going to bed to let in the cooled air. But close the room doors. Draft may cause a cold. In many hot regions of the world, this phenomenon is called "summer cough", among other things due to excessive air conditioning. For the same reason you should turn off fans and air conditioners overnight. Even if you feel well protected from the draft by the blanket, you may be able to break away from it overnight as you move as you sleep, exposing yourself to the drafts.

3. Drink and eat properly

It is generally known that it is essential to ensure adequate hydration, especially at high temperatures. However, you should avoid drinking too much in the evening so that you do not have to break your sleep when going to the toilet. Otherwise they run the risk of not being able to fall asleep again due to the pent-up heat. For the same reason you should also abstain from alcoholic beverages as much as possible. In addition to the increased urinary urgency, these lead to a flat, light sleep, which is not really relaxing and from which you could wake up easily. Also, avoid greasy, heavy foods!

Tip: Due to the many sweating your electrolyte balance goes into the cellar. To replenish it, pour a dash of apple cider vinegar and a small pinch of salt into a large glass of water and drink it.

In the summer, many things can disturb your sleep. (Image: Dan Race /

4. No cold shower

Taking a cold shower before bed is a seductive thought. But one to whom you should not give in, Dr. Alexander Blue. Because of the cold water, your vessels contract and the heat circulation in the body is disturbed. Better sleep after a change shower. Start with cold water and finish with warm water.

5. Avoid long watch

If you are still awake half an hour after bedtime, get up and work elsewhere. For example, read something else, listen to soothing music or drink a herbal tea made from balm, valerian or lavender. Keep away from PC, TV and smartphone. The blue light causes a decrease in the sleep hormone melatonin and prevents you from getting tired. (Fs)