Stay fit Here are the top five superfoods for women over 40 years of age

Stay fit Here are the top five superfoods for women over 40 years of age / Health News
Over time, the body changes. With increasing age, the organism also needs foods that are specially adapted to increased needs and that help maintain good health. High cholesterol, high blood lipid levels or high blood pressure are signs that our body deserves more attention in their diet. We show 5 superfoods that support a healthy diet from the age of 40. You lower u.a. the cholesterol level, the blood pressure and reduces the risk of getting serious illnesses.


  • sweet potatoes
  • broccoli
  • turmeric
  • avocado
  • spinach

sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes, which are also called Batate, are now no longer found only in the vegetable counters of health food stores but also increasingly in well-stocked supermarkets. Actually, they are not potatoes at all. While the usual potatoes belong to the nightshade family, the sweet potato is a wind plant. The sweet potatoes contain many vitamins and minerals. In the past, researchers were particularly interested in the substance Caiapo, which is mainly contained in the shell of the Batata.

Prepare sweet potatoes properly. Image: photocrew - fotolia

According to research, this substance improved the cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels of diabetic patients. The Batata also contains many healthy phytochemicals. The sweet potato owes its pink to yellow-orange or violet color antioxidants such as the carotenoids and anthocyanins, which also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Because of the high content of vitamin C and beta-carotene, the vegetables are also an excellent contribution to strengthen the immune system.


Broccoli contains a lot of fiber, vitamins C and A as well as calcium. Researchers have also found that broccoli, with its so-called phenolic compounds, helps reduce inflammation, the risk of coronary heart disease and even our cancer risk. The experts found genes in broccoli that control the accumulation of phenolic compounds in the vegetables.


Many studies point to the extremely healing and health-promoting effect of the Indian spice turmeric. The tuber tastes slightly spicy to earthy. To use are powdery spice blends for curry or lassi. The "yellow ginger" is also used in the traditional Indian healing Ayurveda. With turmeric, heavy dishes become more digestible, as the ingredients stimulate bile production and fat digestion. In addition, they increase the appetite and should have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. There is a lot of research going on in this area.


Avocados are often seen as extremely low-fat calorie bombs, which is why many avoid the tasty fruits. However, the unsaturated fatty acids that the body can not produce itself can even help you lose weight.

According to experts, the enzyme lipase, which controls the burning of fat during digestion and in adipose tissue, plays a role in particular.

"In addition come minerals such as magnesium and potassium, but also iron and vitamins B, E and K and the provitamin A," said Heidrun Schubert of the Consumer Center Bavaria. Contains fiber, folates and magnesium.


Although spinach contains less iron than is often thought, the green vegetables are still extremely healthy. It contains many important nutrients, can help you lose weight and prevent diseases. Spinach consists of over 90 percent water and is therefore very low in calories. In an earlier study Swedish researchers found that the vegetables can reduce food cravings and help with weight loss. A spinach-rich diet therefore lowers the cholesterol level. These effects, as well as the presence of important phytochemicals, can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes. (Sb)