Fish and folic acid during pregnancy

Fish and folic acid during pregnancy / Health News

Nurture healthy during pregnancy


To ensure the best possible care of the baby in the mother's stomach, pregnant women should eat healthy and balanced, as Michaela Bänsch, nutritionist and lecturer at the German University for Prevention and Health Management in Saarbrücken explained. Women recommend her „a versatile, nutritious and low-fat diet“, says the expert.

Constant weight gain of pregnant women
Bänsch reports on studies such as the KIGGS study of the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin, which found that the average weight of pregnant women has increased continuously in recent years. In the opinion of the nutritionist, the risk of overweight should be avoided at all costs. A good method is, „to pay attention to the personal energy balance“. Unlike many women believe, the need for energy is increased by only 250 to 300 calories per day during pregnancy. By comparison, the increased calorie requirement is roughly equivalent to a glass of orange juice or a slice of bread topped with sliced ​​cheese. To wholesome hunger, foods high in fiber should be consumed. „Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and fiber-rich whole grains“, says Bänsch. In addition, whole grains saturate very quickly and over a longer period of time.

Fish is an important nutrient supplier
Fish should not be missed on the menu. "Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids that promote the maturation of the nervous system and the development of intelligence and vision in children." Fish should never be raw, but always cooked, roasted or cooked to avoid dangerous infectious diseases. Also on smoked fish should be waived according to recent studies during pregnancy. In order to prevent calcium deficiency, expectant mothers should consume calcium-rich foods such as cottage cheese and dairy products. The increased need for iron, zinc and iodine as well as vitamin B should be included in the nutritional planning, advises the expert "The folic acid needs of pregnant women is 100 percent higher than in any other phase of life." The most folic acid is green vegetables, milk, spinach, lettuce, beans, wholemeal bread and nuts. (Sb)

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Image: Alexandra Bucurescu