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Eating fish is part of a healthy diet

Eating fish is not only popular but also healthy. Many sea creatures are rich in nutrients such as proteins, vitamins and minerals. In addition, fish contain more health-promoting fatty acids such as omega-3 and especially sea fish are considered to be a good source of iodine. The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) advises to eat fish twice a week. It is also safe to eat high-fat fish such as salmon, mackerel or herring, as more than 50 studies on the topic of fish consumption show that especially high-fat fish can reduce the risk of heart disease such as a heart attack.

Which fish eat?

In addition to the varieties already mentioned, tuna, swordfish, cod, white fish, pike or hake are good omega-3 suppliers. However, these strains occasionally experience mercury pollution. In general, the consumption of fish has risen sharply and many fish stocks are threatened by overfishing. The DGE also advises consumers to pay attention to sustainable production and the origin, which are marked by seals of recognized organizations. For example, according to DGE, the MSC seal is one of them. (Vb)

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