Fish and meat Excessive heating increases the risk of hypertension

Fish and meat Excessive heating increases the risk of hypertension / Health News

Highly heated meat can be a risk factor for high blood pressure

People often eat beef, chicken and fish several times a month. However, when these foods are cooked or grilled at high temperatures, this appears to increase the likelihood that consumers will develop high blood pressure.

  • If meat or fish is heated or grilled strongly before consumption, it may cause hypertension.
  • During the study, 37,123 subjects developed hypertension.
  • Heterocyclic aromatic amines increase the risk of hypertension.
  • Hypertension risk can be reduced if people are avoiding high-fried foods.

The scientists of Harvard T.H. Chan's School of Public Health found in their recent research that regular consumption of grilled beef, chicken and fish is more likely to be associated with high blood pressure. The physicians released the results of their study at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association.

The consumption of certain highly heated foods leads to an increased risk of hypertension. (Image: Andrey Popov /

Consumption of beef, poultry and fish has been studied closely

If beef is grilled or heated to a high temperature before eating it, it may increase the risk of high blood pressure in people who regularly consume such foods. For their study, researchers analyzed the cooking methods and development of high blood pressure in people who regularly consumed beef, poultry or fish.

Where did the data come from??

The data used came from three different studies. A total of 32,925 women participated in the Nurses 'Health Study, 53,852 women were included in the Nurses' Health Study II and 17,104 men participated in the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study. Detailed cooking information was collected in each of these long-term studies. None of the participants suffered from high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease or cancer at the beginning of the study. However, during the follow-up period of 12 to 16 years, 37,123 subjects developed hypertension.

How much was the risk increased??

The participants, who reported receiving at least two servings of red meat, chicken or fish per week, found that the analysis was associated with an increased risk of hypertension. The risk was 17 percent higher if they consumed grilled or roasted beef, chicken or fish more than 15 times a month compared to people who consumed such foods less than four times a month. It is estimated that the risk is also increased by 17 percent when the highest levels of heterocyclic aromatic amines are present compared to people with the lowest intake. These amines arise when meat protein is charred or exposed to high temperatures, the experts explain.

Why does the blood pressure increase?

The researchers also found that the relationship between cooking temperature, method of preparation and high blood pressure was independent of the amount or type of food consumed. "The substances that are produced when meat is cooked at high temperatures induce oxidative stress, inflammation and insulin resistance in animal experiments, and these metabolic pathways can also increase the risk of hypertension," explains study author Gang Liu of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in a press release. Oxidative stress, inflammation and insulin resistance affect the inner lining of blood vessels and are associated with the development of atherosclerosis, the disease process that underlies most heart disease. This process then causes the arteries to contract.

There were limitations in the study?

It is important to note that this study identifies a trend, but does not prove cause and effect, say the scientists. The results are of limited value because the data used came from questionnaires that did not take into account certain types of meat (such as pork and lamb) and certain methods of preparation (such as stewing). Since the participants were all from health care professions and were predominantly of Caucasian descent, the results can not be transferred to other groups, the doctors say.

How do I protect myself from high blood pressure??

The findings suggest that reducing the risk of high blood pressure can help people avoid eating high-fried foods and avoid using open flame and / or high-temperature cooking methods, study author Liu explains.

Statement by the American Heart Association on the subject

Statements and conclusions by study authors presented at the American Heart Association scientific meeting do not necessarily reflect the association's policy or position, according to the American Heart Association's statement. The Association therefore makes no representation or warranty as to its accuracy or reliability.