Obesity is increasing strongly in Western Pomerania

Obesity is increasing strongly in Western Pomerania / Health News

Almost every third person in Western Pomerania suffers from obesity


More and more people in Western Pomerania suffer from obesity (obesity). This resulted in a long-term study of the University of Greifswald. According to the so-called SHIP study (Study of Health in Pomerania), almost every third citizen is now overweight. Social Affairs Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) pointed on Tuesday to the dramatic health consequences. The results were an alarming signal against obesity. The minister described the decline in alcohol and tobacco consumption as positive.

Obesity and obesity increase the risk of heart attack and stroke
According to the SHIP study, every third man and almost every third woman in Western Pomerania suffers from obesity. 32 percent of men and 30 percent of women are therefore affected by obesity. Just ten years ago, 24 or 26 percent were. In addition, the proportion of diabetes sufferers in Western Pomerania has increased by three percent over the past ten years. For men, it rose to 13 percent, for women to eleven percent. The long-term study at the University of Greifswald was attended by more than 4,000 citizens between the ages of 20 and 79 years.

„The health consequences of obesity are dramatic. Heart attack, strokes, diabetes and hypertension often result from too high a body weight, "said Social Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD) .It was important to pay attention to a healthy diet and sufficient exercise already in children and to integrate both into everyday life The foundations for later obesity would be laid at a young age, according to the minister.
From a body mass index (BMI) of 25 people are considered overweight, from 30 as obese (obese). Above all, a high percentage of belly fat is seen in connection with numerous diseases. Possible health consequences of overweight and obesity are an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke, damage to the blood vessels and arteriosclerosis. The World Health Organization (WHO) also increases the risk of diabetes and dementia. The causes of obesity are according to experts, especially in a lack of exercise and wrong, unhealthy diet.

Decline in tobacco and alcohol consumption in Western Pomerania
The results of the long-term study are an important basis for the state government's future health policy. „We currently support prevention projects with 2.7 million euros per year. Around 1.8 million euros go directly to the municipalities. Prevention work is one of the most important building blocks for the health of future generations, "emphasized the Minister.

Schwesig described the decline in tobacco and alcohol consumption in Western Pomerania as pleasing. „That fewer people smoke and consume alcohol is pleasing. This is also a consequence of the non-smoker protection law, which has been in place since 2007, and prevention work on the ground. "According to the study, the number of male smokers fell by seven percent to 32 percent and among women by four percent to 24 percent. Alcohol consumption fell by more than half in the last decade.

Also to be regarded as positive is an increase in the physical confirmation of citizens. For the over-50s, this development is the clearest. While more than half of people in this age group are doing sports, the trend among the under-40s is declining. (Sb)

Also read:
Obesity increases the risk of dementia
Obesity causes the brain to shrink
Strong overweight increased dramatically worldwide

Picture: Gerd Altmann