
obesity /

From when is considered as obese?

The World Health Organization (WHO) uses body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference to assess obesity. Thus, a BMI of 30 and more is an indicator of obesity. In addition to the increased BMI, the waist circumference should be determined. If this is in women at 88 centimeters or higher or in men at 102 centimeters or higher one speaks of a health-endangering obesity (obesity). Possible complications include diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and many more.

Common causes of obesity

Often, obesity occurs when, over the longer term, a higher intake of calories takes place than is needed by the body. Various factors favor this increased energy intake. The biggest culprits in this regard are poor nutrition with too much sugar and fats (especially saturated fat) and lack of exercise. But hereditary factors also play a role. Some people naturally tend to fat faster than others. Stress can also promote the wrong diet, as well as some diseases such as diabetes and hypothyroidism or even taken medications such as cortisone, antidepressants, beta-blockers and the anti-baby pill. (Vb)

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