Fasting allows spring cleaning from the inside

Fasting allows spring cleaning from the inside / Health News

What methods of fasting are there?


Fasting has been shown to be part of some religions and can be seen as a temporary design element of life. In certain seasons, it is usually used as preparation for a religious festival, as is the case with Muslims during Ramadan. In Germany, the traditional Lent begins after Ash Wednesday. People fast either in groups or alone for themselves. There are a lot of ways to cleanse your body from the inside out and everyone is practicing it the other way. At its heart, however, all fasting cure methods involve completely or partially deliberately avoiding foods such as meat or stimulants such as alcohol and nicotine.

Which methods are there
The so-called Buchinger-Therapeutic Fasting was developed by the German doctor Dr. med. Otto Buchinger developed. In this fasting method, the body is supplied with vegetable broths and juices only a small amount of calories, vitamins and minerals. The intestine should first be cleaned with enemas. "Those who fast the first time, should join a group with a medically tested fasting leader," advises Andrea Chiappa of the German Fasting Academy in Oberursel.

Stimulate self-healing powers of the body
Therapeutic fasting is a form of non-religiously fasting and is intended mostly for „purification“ or regeneration of the body. In addition, the fasting people promise to activate the self-healing powers. Due to the low intake of nutrients, the body uses its fat reserves during the fasting process and burns so-called slags. As a result, the body is detoxified, according to the non-scientific theory. This should strengthen the immune system and be rid of typical diseases such as rheumatism, listlessness and metabolic disorders.

Another way to deacidify or detoxify your body is with the so-called Schroth cure possible, in which a calorie-reduced, mainly basic food without animal protein and fat is on the menu. This method developed by the carter Johann Schroth is part of numerous European health clinics. The food consists mainly of cereals with plums or apricots and steamed vegetables. For this purpose, you are subjected to daily sweat cures with wet wraps, which stimulate the excretion. Only on certain days is drunk. The „dry days“ should cause a suction from the intermediate tissue into the blood, which pulls out the accumulated harmful substances in the body. On the days of drinking these are then eliminated. In addition to tea and water, even moderate amounts of wine are allowed.

Basically a colon cleansing
The so-called F. X. Mayr cure is to give the intestine new strength. "It is basically a colon cleansing and is to relieve the gastrointestinal system," explains Chiappa. The intestine is made with Glauber's salt every day „by cleaned“. The drinking of water and teas as well as special abdominal massages support the withdrawal. The focus of this method is above all the right chewing. The participants eat in the morning and at noon old rolls, which are chewed so long that they are traversed by saliva. Milk is drunk for that. As a result, the food is already predigested in the mouth as far as possible and the gastrointestinal tract is spared.

No matter which method you choose, the secret is a good preparation. But in almost every fasting method, a ritual is an integral part. The intestine must be cleaned and emptied. This can be achieved with the help of Glauber's salt that cleanses the innards within three to four hours. Another method of healing fasting is according to Hildegard von Bingen. It provides a gentle body cleansing. A large amount of fluid is supplied to the body thereby. Every day is a so-called „Fast soup“, consisting of spelled and seasonal vegetables, consumed. The participants are allowed to drink exclusively fennel tea.

At least one hour of exercise daily
Especially the beginning of fasting represents an enormous change for the body, which responds with increased tiredness. Therefore fasting people should rest more in the first two days. After that, most of them feel more active again. From this point you should move every day at least one hour. This keeps the muscles active and the circulation stable. Anyone who is healthy and does not have to take any prescription medication can fast. Anyone who chooses to do so should definitely inform themselves in advance, because there are also diseases in which fasting can have a counterproductive effect. In general, it can be said that if the intestine is regularly cleansed and purified by healthy fasting, not only reduces discomfort and well-being is increased, but also relieves chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, allergies, asthma, rheumatism and sometimes even be cured. (Fr)

Image: Cameraobscura