Fasting From Wednesday, fast healthy

Fasting From Wednesday, fast healthy / Health News

In Lent abstain from sweets and alcohol


On Ash Wednesday not only the carnival ends, it begins the Lent. Ten percent of Germans want in the next ten days either completely on solid food or at least on sweets or alcohol. This is from a survey by the market research institute „YouGov“ out. The religious background of fasting, however, does not matter to most people.

Mostly fasted for health reasons
In Lent, Lent serves to remember the 40 days that Jesus spent in the wilderness, fasting and praying. Lent ends on Holy Saturday. A survey of „YouGov“ on behalf of the „German press agency“ However, less religious but rather health reasons play a role in the decision to fast.

At least ten percent of German adults therefore want to do without something during Lent. Another nine percent are still uncertain. 53 percent of those who were fasting reported health reasons for the survey. „47 percent want to prove to themselves or others that they can still let go of a certain habit“, reports the market research institute. 20 percent stated that they were critical of consumption as a reason for fasting. 27 percent each see fasting as a tradition or have religious reasons for renunciation.

Fasting with no mobile phone or smartphone
Most fasting (44 percent), who have already fasted once, their project according to the survey, by. 42 percent became weak in between, but fasted then continued iron. Only 14 percent broke off the fast.

Fasting dispenses with very different things. „On sweets renounce 74 percent of fasting. 52 percent want to keep their hands off alcohol. Do not want to eat meat 30 percent, 24 percent do not want to smoke for 40 days“, writes the market research institute in a message. 13 percent of respondents want to give up their mobile phone, eleven percent on coffee, seven percent on television and six percent on sex.

Fasting in naturopathy
However, very few in Lent actually think of therapeutic fasting, which is used to purify and regenerate the body. In naturopathy, different types of healing fasting are distinguished. So, in part, only juice and vegetable broth are drunk to give the body despite the lack of solid food sufficient with vitamins and minerals. In other fasting treatments participants take nothing but water and tea. Anyone who decides to seek medical help should seek medical advice and advice in advance. Patients with cancer or hyperthyroidism are usually discouraged. Even with a previous eating disorder or underweight, fasting can be a health concern. (Ag)