Extreme diets often cause problems for health reasons

Extreme diets often cause problems for health reasons / Health News
Meaningful abstinence: Healthy fasting helps body and mind
Fasting is on the agenda for many Germans from Ash Wednesday. Although the occasion is actually religious, some non-Christians also use Lent to do something good for their health. But with extreme methods they often achieve the opposite.
Cleanse body and mind
From Ash Wednesday, the 40-day Christian Lent begins, which also many non-religious people for the deliberate omission of certain luxury items and consumer goods use. Avoiding alcohol and sweets is often at the top of your self-imposed goals. However, a smartphone waiver is only for the least in question, as a survey recently showed. Basically, it can be useful to abstain from eating and drinking. It cleanses the stomach and the soul and helps to question its consumer behavior. However, it is very important how or by which method you fast.

Extreme fasting can be dangerous. Image: Hetizia - fotolia

Healthy fasting and detoxifying
In general, it is recommended if people take time for healthy fasting and detoxifying. However, some people who are fasting do not seem to find classical ways of being ascetic enough. According to experts, there is a trend towards methods that are accompanied by strict rules, which include self-control as self-therapy against stress and overburdening and health benefits. Health experts, however, mean that healing renunciation rather than perpetual starvation is the much better way.

Therapeutic fasting with medical effects
As "Focus" reported online, experience fasting concepts such as the fasting after Buchinger, the Schroth and the F.X. Mayr cure a revival. "They are all based on outdated ideas that have no scientific background," says Johannes Wechsler, President of the Federal Association of German Nutritionists (BDEM). The most well-known fasting method is that after the physician Otto Buchinger (1878-1966). First, a thorough colon cleansing with Glauber or Epsom salts and occasional enemas. This hydration regimen allows only a small amount of calories to be ingested over water-diluted fruit and vegetable juices, broth, and honey-sweetened teas. The body is said to lose harmful deposits and excess pounds, make the mind clearer. Health experts say it can be used to achieve medical effects such as rheumatism or high blood pressure.

Fasting with milk and cakesThe fasting with milk and rolls dates back to the physician Franz Xaver Mayr (1875-1965). Crucial here is the extremely slow chewing and salivating the stale rolls. For each meal, a roll is cut into small pieces and chewed every single part until it is almost liquid. It is swallowed only when the fasting person has taken a spoonful of fresh milk. You can get away with this treatment too hasty eating and lose pounds at the same time. Even older is the Schrothkur.

This method developed by the carter Johann Schroth is part of numerous European health clinics. The food consists mainly of cereals with plums or apricots and steamed vegetables. For this purpose, you are subjected to daily sweat cures with wet wraps, which stimulate the excretion. Only on certain days is drunk. In addition to tea and water, even moderate amounts of wine are allowed.

Low protein is a problem
According to Focus, Wechsler, former chief physician of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Charitable Brothers' Hospital in Munich, said: "Low protein is the biggest problem in all the radical fasting concepts." He warned, "Most people do not have enough protein anyway. The extreme shortage that can occur during strict diets is dangerous. The heart, kidneys and brain need proteins to work properly. "In addition, the doctor holds neither the idea that the body must be" detoxified ", nor the summoned detoxification:" With the toxins with which people in everyday life too the organism can cope. He continuously breaks them down and does not flush them out as part of a course of treatment. "

Asceticism can be very dangerous
"The worst form of fasting is total asceticism," said Wechsler. "The rapid consumption of protein leads to cardiac arrhythmias. At worst, to death. "It is medically irresponsible that there are still doctors who recommend total fasting. Those who absolutely want to give up eating completely should discuss this with their doctor. According to changers, they should choose the protein-substituted fasting. "This therapy is very suitable for patients and healthy people. It leads without risk to weight loss and improvement of cardiovascular risk factors, "explained the physician. (Ad)