Extreme Case Doctors find 27 contact lenses in the eye of an elderly patient

Extreme Case Doctors find 27 contact lenses in the eye of an elderly patient / Health News
Physicians discover 27 contact lenses in the eye of a woman
In the UK, physicians have discovered 27 contact lenses in the eye of a patient. The woman was supposed to be operated on for eye disease, but due to the strange finding, the operation was postponed. The doctors explained that none of them had ever seen such a thing before.

Responsible use of visual aids
Although contact lenses are commonly used visual aids, they can also be a danger to the eyes. For example, US scientists have reported that if used improperly they can cause eye infections and serious eye damage. To avoid such dangers, users must deal with them more responsibly. Among other things, it is important to note the expiration date. A woman from Great Britain apparently did not take it so seriously with the use of the visual aids. Physicians discovered 27 contact lenses in her eye during an examination.

In the UK, doctors have discovered 27 contact lenses in one patient's eye. How long the lenses were in the woman's eye remained unclear. (Image: Pavel Chernobrivets / fotolia.com)

27 contact lenses in the eye
Cataract (also known as cataract) is one of the most common eye diseases. In this eye disease, there is a clouding of the lens.

"The signs may be blurred vision and 'how-of-a-fog' vision," says the patient information portal of the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG).

Especially with age, the risk of a cataract increases. Without treatment, it can lead to blindness. There is no drug therapy.

"The affected lens can be removed by surgery and replaced with an artificial lens," writes the IQWiG. The vision can usually be largely restored.

Even a 67-year-old woman from the UK wanted to undergo surgery because of this eye disease. At a preliminary examination, however, doctors found in their eye 27 contact lenses and postponed the surgery.

Bluish mass of 17 lenses
According to a report in the journal Optometry Today, doctors found in the eye of a woman a "bluish mass," which turned out to be a union of 17 contact lenses.

When the 67-year-old patient, who had gone to Solihull Hospital for a cataract operation, was further examined, the doctors found ten more contact lenses in her eye.

The discovery was so unusual that it was even reported in the prestigious journal "British Medical Journal" (BMJ).

Doctors have never seen such a thing
It is said that the patient was unaware that contact lenses were missing.

"None of us has ever seen anything like this before," said ophthalmologist Rupal Morjaria of Solihull Hospital opposite "Optometry Today".

"It was such a big crowd. All 17 contact lenses were glued together. We were really surprised that the patient did not notice her because she must have been very irritated by the eyes. "

The planned surgery appointment had to be canceled after the discovery. It was feared that the eye was burdened with many bacteria and the risk of infection was too great.

Worn contact lenses for 35 years
How long the lenses were in the eye remained unclear. The patient had stated that she had been wearing monthly disposable contact lenses for the past 35 years but had not observed regular eye care appointments.

According to Morjaria, the woman was "pretty shocked" after the find. She thought that her inconvenience was due to dry eyes and her age.

The removal of the lenses made for great relief. Two weeks later her eyes had already felt "significantly better".

The incident happened last November. Doctors said they were reporting to raise public awareness of the issue.

"Contact lenses are used all the time, but if used improperly, people may experience severe eye infections that can cause them to lose their sight," Morjaria said. (Ad)