Extreme headache which helps with migraines

Extreme headache which helps with migraines / Health News

Natural help with migraine

Millions of Germans suffer from migraines. The severe headaches are triggered, among other things by various triggers such as stress, pronounced emotions or overexertion. The weather can also influence. Patients often resort to painkillers. But there are also natural remedies that can help with migraines.

Every tenth German affected

Almost one in ten Germans suffers from migraine. Affected persons can be put out of action by the illness. Typical are throbbing, hammering and one-sided headache. Often, other complaints such as nausea and vomiting, dizziness and loss of appetite are added. In addition, many sufferers are noisy and sensitive to light. The complaints are often treated with medication. But sometimes natural methods can help. An important role is played by nutrition.

Some migraine patients quickly resort to medication. The severe headache can be alleviated in many cases in a natural way. (Image: puhhha / fotolia.com)

People with migraines need carbohydrates

While low carbohydrate intake is a particularly popular method of weight loss, it is not recommended for people with migraine.

Quite the opposite: According to medical experts, migraine patients should regularly take carbohydrates to reduce their symptoms.

Because her brain processes information very intensively and very fast and therefore has a higher energy requirement.

Pain patients can improve their general well-being through a high-fiber diet. A lot of fiber is in vegetables and fruits. However, it should not be pureed, but fresh.

Sudden change in the normal rhythm of life

There are several factors (triggers) that can trigger migraines. It is well known that sudden stress, hormonal changes, pronounced emotions or over-exertion and fatigue can lead to the symptoms.

"It turns out that the common denominator of all trigger factors is a sudden change in the normal rhythm of life," it says on the website of the Pain Clinic Kiel.

And further: "By what factors, by what mechanisms and circumstances this change is brought about, it seems to be less important."

Experts advise those affected not to rush to medication. Because taken permanently migraine painkillers lead to more seizures. Such medicines should be taken for a maximum of ten days a month.

Alleviate complaints in a natural way

Many patients can also get their complaints through home remedies for migraine.

It is recommended, among other things, to withdraw in pain attacks in a quiet, darkened room to shield themselves from external stimuli.

Gentle massages with peppermint oil on the temples and forehead can also help. Even a cooling cloth on the forehead can provide relief.

Also recommended: relaxation exercises such as autogenic training, yoga or tai chi.

Many sufferers also report the positive effects of methods such as acupressure or acupuncture. "However, one can not calculate the therapeutic effect of unconventional procedures, because adequate scientific studies are missing," writes the Pain Clinic Kiel.

Basically, a regular daily routine, enough sleep, adequate exercise and a balanced diet should be respected. (Ad)