Extreme headaches Can help with migraine spraying?

Extreme headaches Can help with migraine spraying? / Health News

Stiftung Warentest: What migraine injections bring?

Millions of people in Germany suffer from migraines. Many patients can manage their complaints relatively well with home remedies. However, drugs are often used as well. Which products help and what "migraine syringes" bring, has now the Stiftung Warentest examined more closely.

Migraine is now a common disease

About ten to 15 percent of Germans suffer from migraine. Affected persons can be put out of action by the illness. Typical are throbbing, hammering and one-sided headache. Often, other complaints such as nausea and vomiting, dizziness and loss of appetite are added. In addition, many sufferers are noisy and sensitive to light. Some patients can handle their complaints well with home remedies for migraine. But many also take medicines. The Stiftung Warentest has now investigated which drugs are suitable for the widespread disease and reports on what the new hope, the "migraine syringe" is to keep.

Stiftung Warentest has investigated which medicines are suitable for migraine and reports on what to do with the new hope, the "migraine syringe". (Image: Rawpixel.com/fotolia.com)

Medication for acute and preventive treatment

There are several medications that can alleviate the condition - acute or preventative. In case of acute help painkillers and special migraine drugs, called triptans.

As new hope carriers apply special preventive agents for spraying. These injections block the effects of a substance that is formed in the nervous system and plays a major role in the onset of the disease: Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptides, or CGRP for short.

As Stiftung Warentest explains on its website, several pharmaceutical companies are researching this principle.

Since November 2018, the first product has been available in German pharmacies. The product, called Aimovig, contains the active substance erenumab.

Normally, patients inject themselves every four weeks.

"Migraine spraying" examined in more detail

The drug experts of Stiftung Warentest, who have taken a closer look at the "migraine syringes", come to the conclusion: "The new funds are effective, albeit limited".

Erenumab was reported to reduce migraine attacks by about one to three days per month compared to placebo.

The success rate is thus as high as in other prescription preventive medicine.

Concrete statements about possible side effects could only show long-term applications.

First contact person is the family doctor

As the testers explain, the usual preventive migraine remedies include prescription beta-blockers. In acute cases, especially painkillers and so-called triptans are used.

According to the drug experts, many - but not all - migraine medicines are suitable.

The selection depends mainly on the severity and frequency as well as comorbidities and peculiarities, such as in children or pregnant women.

That is why the clarification at the doctor is important. The first contact for suspicious symptoms is always the family doctor, who may refer to neurologists or pain specialists.

Relieve complaints naturally

Many patients can alleviate their condition by following certain rules of conduct.

It is recommended, among other things, to withdraw in pain attacks in a quiet, darkened room to shield themselves from external stimuli.

Gentle massages with peppermint oil on the temples and forehead can also help. Even a cooling cloth on the forehead can provide relief.

Also recommended: relaxation exercises such as autogenic training, yoga or tai chi.

Many sufferers also report the positive effects of methods such as acupressure or acupuncture.

The Stiftung Warentest also points out that sport and a well-regulated daily routine can help.

In addition, it can bring something to look for trigger factors and avoid them from now on as possible. Because it is now known that various "triggers" such as sudden stress, hormonal changes, pronounced emotions or overexertion and fatigue can promote attacks.

The measures that prevent migraine attacks vary widely from patient to patient. For example, a headache diary can help here. (Ad)