Devouring food Anyone who rolls down their food becomes overweight

Avoid gaining weight by eating slowly
A team of Japanese and Chinese researchers concluded in a study that those who eat slowly are less likely to get fat. For three years, scientists followed the eating habits of nearly 9,000 people. As reported by the "Apotheken Umschau" (Issue 11/2015 B l), those who hurried down their meals in a hurry, tended to use more bacon over the course of the study and more often had questionable cholesterol levels. Deliberately giving oneself time to eat could thus help to prevent weight gain, the researchers concluded.
Prevent bloating
Another advantage: eating in peace can prevent bloating. Health experts therefore recommend taking the time to chew slowly, eat a healthy diet and, if possible, do not talk much about eating. In addition, it is advisable to drink enough fluid, even during the meal. With fast food and many speeches, large quantities of air are swallowed, which then gets into the digestive tract. Furthermore, a walk after dinner helps to stimulate digestion. (Ad)