Eating greasy cheese did not increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes

There are differing views on what exactly cheese has on human health. For a long time, some experts believed that consuming cheese from humans could increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Researchers now found that there is no link between eating dairy products and an increased risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Researchers at the University of Reading found that consuming cheese and other dairy products did not increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "European Journal of Epidemiology".

Many people avoid the consumption of high-fat cheese
The consumption of Vollfettkäse, milk and yogurt is avoided by many people due to the high saturated fat content. But even these types of cheese do not increase the risk of premature death or diseases such as coronary heart disease, explain the scientists.
Experts evaluate the data of almost one million subjects for investigation
For their study, the physicians analyzed the data from 29 different examinations with a total of almost one million participants. There is a fairly widespread but wrong view that dairy products are generally bad for health, says author Professor Ian Givens of the University of Reading.
Many people think that cheese is unhealthy
There has been a lot of evidence in the last five to ten years about how saturated fats increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. For this reason, the belief that dairy products can cause heart attacks and strokes, widely used in public, explain the experts.
NHS advises a diet low in saturated fat
For example, NHS guidelines suggest that people should reduce the amount of saturated fat eaten, because a high saturated fat diet increases blood cholesterol levels. This can lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, explain the staff of the NHS in their guidelines. Men should therefore not eat more than 30g of saturated fats per day and women not more than 20g. This has been bad news for cheese lovers. For example, if two people share a whole baked 250g camembert, they will both consume about 19g of saturated fat, say the experts.
Overall level of milk consumption is not related to an increased risk of heart attack
The researchers at the University of Reading found in the current study that the overall level of milk consumption is not related to an increased risk of circulatory conditions such as strokes and heart attacks. Researchers analyzed the results from previous studies over the past 35 years. They checked the health and nutrition information of 938,465 participants.
Cheese can protect people from heart disease
Previous studies at the University of Bergen had already found that fatty foods such as cheese, butter and cream can help protect people from heart disease. However, it is important that the total calorie intake is limited in such a diet, the researchers say.
It is also possible to lose weight with dairy products
Many people are of the opinion that eating dairy products can not lead to a reduction in weight. These people warn that you can never make a successful diet with saturated fats. However, we are more likely to see a positive metabolic response in this context, say the scientists. The energy from the diet can either be based on carbohydrates or fat, the authors explain. It makes no real difference.
Some British experts still advise a diet with little cheese
The website of the British Heart Foundation (BHF) explains on this subject that consuming a lot of cheese can lead to high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The increased values increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. For this reason, the organization recommends that cheese should be enjoyed with reason. Saturated fatty acids can increase bad blood cholesterol (LDL) in your blood, which can cause greasy material to build up in your arterial walls. The risk is particularly high if you have a high level of bad cholesterol, the website says. However, these guidelines may need to be revised based on current results. (As)