Nutrition This happens after a dose of Red Bull in the body

Nutrition This happens after a dose of Red Bull in the body / Health News
Red Bull and Co: What a tin of energy drink does to your body
Energy drinks like Red Bull are growing in popularity. Not only young people want to keep up with it. Also mixed with alcoholic drinks, they are often consumed. Experts warn long before the health risks of energy drinks. On a website, it will now be shown what effects a can already has on the body.

Blind after big quantities Red Bull
For years, doctors and nutrition experts warn: Energy drinks are hazardous to health. So it can come to higher consumption, inter alia, to tachycardia or high blood pressure. Recently, a case was reported of a young woman from Northern Ireland who had a short-term vision loss and massive intracranial pressure after consuming 28 Red Bull doses. But even much smaller quantities have enormous effects. On a website is now shown what the use of a 250 milliliters can in our body causes.

Even a can of Red Bull has significant effects on the organism. (Picture: alexlmx /

What a can of an energy drink can do
Recently, a blogger showed what happens in the body after drinking a can of coke. Now the website "" and explains in a graph, the impact of consuming a can of energy drinks like Red Bull has. The information is said to come from Red Bull, LiveStrong, Starbucks, Medical Study and the US National Health Service (NHS) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA)..

Watchman and concentrated
About ten minutes after drinking an energy drink, the body has consumed about 80 milligrams of caffeine and 27.5 grams of sugar. This is about the same amount as nine pieces of sugar cubes. Blood pressure and pulse rise through the caffeine. The concentration increases within the first 15 to 45 minutes - depending on how fast you drank. After about 20 minutes, you feel more alert and focused or stimulated. The blood sugar level is then at its peak.

Caffeine intoxication ebbs quickly
About 40 minutes after emptying the can, the body has completely absorbed the caffeine. From the liver, more sugar is pumped into the bloodstream, the blood pressure continues to rise. The brain releases the dopamine dopamine, the reward center is stimulated, and after about an hour, a "sugar crash" occurs. Then the short caffeine intoxication dies down again. The sugar has been processed by the body and partly converted into fat. As a result, one becomes tired again, feels irritable or nervous.

Consume only in moderation
After about five to six hours, half of the total caffeine is removed and after twelve to 24 hours. For those who regularly take such drinks, withdrawal symptoms may then appear. It can cause headaches, inner restlessness, nervousness or constipation. The operators of the website conclude that you should enjoy energy drinks - if at all - only in moderation. This could presumably also be signed by the Federal Office for Risk Assessment (BfR). On its website, the office warns in particular of the dangers of combining alcohol and energy drinks. According to the experts, this mixture can lead to cardiac arrhythmias. In addition, the high sugar content is problematic. BfR also states that you should not drink more than 200 milligrams of caffeine per day. However, this amount is regularly exceeded by many. Young people, in particular, are consuming too much caffeine, as a recent study by the European Food Safety Authority EFSA has shown. (Ad)