Diet Coke and soda soft drinks affect our fertility

Diet Coke and soda soft drinks affect our fertility / Health News

Reduced chance of pregnancy due to sugary drinks

A recent study has shown that regular consumption of sodas and cola is associated with a reduced likelihood of pregnancy. Both female and male fertility are therefore reduced by sugary drinks.

Unhealthy soft drinks

"Sugar sweetened drinks should generally be drunk only in small amounts, because they contain many calories and can contribute to the emergence of obesity," writes the German Nutrition Society (DGE) on its website. In addition, the frequent consumption of sodas and coke can lead to health problems such as tooth decay, high blood pressure and diabetes. And soft drinks also reduce the likelihood of pregnancy, as US researchers have now found out.

Sugar-sweetened soft drinks make you fat and damage your health. And they have a negative effect on the fertility of women and men, as researchers have now found out. (Image: airborne77 /

Sugar-sweetened drinks reduce the chance of getting pregnant

The fact that the consumption of sugary soft drinks can damage the health and among other things, weight gain and type 2 diabetes favors and can lead to premature menstruation, has been shown in numerous scientific studies.

Also, the number of sperm is reduced by coke and sodas, Polish scientists reported in the journal "Central European Journal of Urology" (CEJU).

And now, a study conducted by Boston University School of Public Health researchers has found that consuming one or more sugar-sweetened drinks per day is associated with a reduced likelihood of pregnancy.

The study involved 3,828 women from the US and Canada aged 21 to 45 and 1,045 male partners. The results were recently published in the journal "Epidemiology".

Significantly reduced fertility

As the lead author Elizabeth Hatch, a professor at Boston University, said in a statement, the study found a link between consuming sugar-sweetened drinks and lower fertility.

"Couples planning to conceive may limit their consumption of these drinks, especially because they are also associated with other adverse health effects," said the expert.

Both female and male fertility were therefore reduced by the consumption of sugary soft drinks.

Thus, the probability of pregnancy in women who ate a sugary drink per day decreased by 25 percent. In men, fertility decreased by about 33 percent.

The consumption of energy drinks had even more drastic effects on fertility. However, this result was based on a lower number of consumers, limit the scientists.

Also between the intake of fruit juices or diet soft drinks and the fertility a connection was established - but only a small one.

"Given the high levels of sugar-sweetened drinks consumed by reproductive-age couples in North America, these findings could have important public health implications," the authors concluded. (Ad)